(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know people often say Paul, you know, killed Christians. He's a murderer But you study the life of Paul even prior to his salvation. You don't see anything like that Okay, what do we see now? We see him, you know arresting Christians We see him persecuting them And yeah, the Bible says that he was injurious because he probably injured some people trying to arrest him But we never see him killing anybody killing Christians murdering them This is a false teaching that comes from liberal churches and I'm gonna explain to you why they try to make that claim They make the claim in order to defend wicked reprobates Okay, because the only time people have ever made that argument to me is when I'm preaching against Kanye West Whose blasphemous said that he himself was Jesus, right? He himself was God just completely, you know Just doing the sins of the Antichrist himself or when you talk about Ted Bundy because people claim that Ted Bundy got sick This massive serial killer murderer rapist. Oh, yeah He got saved, you know, or you talk about Jeffrey Dahmer this sodomite cannibal Who did some heinous horrible wicked and vile crimes and they'll say oh, no, he got saved though And when you say no those people are burning in hell Those people are devils From Kanye West all the way to Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer and this is what they say Oh, we're trying to say that Paul the Apostle did get saved because he killed Christians You know, he killed Christians. He murdered Christians And by the way, I'm not saying that murderers can't be saved Okay, obviously murderers can be saved people who kill others can be saved But this caliber of murder that these people committed is different. This is something that's done only by psychopaths People who are past feeling people who the Bible would refer to as being reprobates, you know These people who are just filled with all unrighteousness, right? That's not your average murderer. Okay This is referring to someone who you know is filled with murder according to the Bible But they make this claim, you know that when I preached against Kanye West or when I when I uploaded that clip I mean, I can't tell you how many times they said that oh, then Paul the Apostle must have not been saved because he killed Christians I'm like, where did he ever kill Christians? And even if he did obviously there's a big difference between the two categories that you're presenting there But it never says that he killed Christians never says that he murdered them What does it actually say? You know Paul the Apostle stated that Jesus enabled him for that he counted him faithful Putting him into the ministry who was before what a blasphemer It says that he was a persecutor and injurious, but here's the difference. He did it ignorantly in unbelief So there is ignorance on his part when he committed these things folks Whereas the people who commit these heinous crimes like Ted Bundy Jeffrey Dahmer Kanye West I mean, they're doing sins the only psychopaths can do And people get mad about Kanye West and it's like well he didn't know better folks if he's calling himself God This is not a sin that is common to man Understand he is Blaspheming the name of Jesus by claiming to be I mean the only person who really does that is like the Antichrist Who sits in the temple of God showing himself that he is God and that's exactly what Kanye West is doing But yet people want to compare him to the Apostle Paul Ridiculous. Oh, he's reaching so many people. Yeah with this damnable heresy. He's reaching a lot of people Damning a whole lot of people to hell is what he's doing