(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look at Daniel chapter 6 and verse number 10 now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed He went into his house and his windows were being opened in his chamber toward Jerusalem he kneeled upon his knees three times a day and Prayed and gave thanks before his God as he did a four time now go with me if you would to Matthew chapter 26 So Daniel is a man's man Why is that because in the face of adversity when it was illegal for him to pray to his God? Guess what? He did he prayed three times a day anyways You know, it goes to show us that hey doesn't matter what anybody say it says we need to obey God rather than man Okay, that's the principle there, but he bows and he prays Three times a day now look at the look at Matthew chapter 26 in verse 36 It says then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane and say it unto the disciples see ye here Well, I go and pray yonder and he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very Heavy then saith he unto them my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death Tear ye here and watch with me and he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying oh my father if It be possible let this cup pass from me Nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt and he cometh unto his disciples and finding them asleep and saith unto Peter What could you not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak He went away again the second time and prayed saying oh my father if this cup may not pass away from me Except I drink it thy will be done and he came and found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy verse 20 Excuse me verse 44 and he left him and went away again and prayed the third time saying the same words Then cometh he to the disciples and saith unto them sleep on now and take your rest behold the hour is at hand And the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. So what do we see here in a time of great trial? Daniel prays three times a day in time of great trial and affliction. What does Jesus Christ do? He prays three times now I'm not saying you ought to pray three times I'm just showing the relation the similarity between Daniel and Jesus Christ one pray three times a day when it was told that he couldn't do that Another one who's Jesus Christ in a time of affliction prayed three times you see that similarity there