(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) chapter 21 verse 19 says it is better to dwell in the wilderness than with the contentious and an angry woman so by the way this is not only subject for men because we think of anger we automatically associate it with men because men have a tendency to be more readily angry right but here it tells us that there's such thing as a as a contentious and an angry woman and the bible is giving us a location where it's better to be than in the presence of that person it says it's better to dwell in the wilderness and the wilderness is not like you know a ritzy hotel or something like that it's the desert where nothing is there's no water there's no food it's dry it's it's hot God says it's better to be there than to dwell with the contentious and an angry woman what is he doing he's emphasizing how bad it is to have a person like that in your life contentious mean they just want to fight they're angry they're mouthing off they're constantly wanting to bicker and they're nagging that's what the bible's talking about here so this isn't this matter of anger is not only something that was only subject to men this is obviously something that women are susceptible susceptible to as well and in fact in proverbs 27 verse 15 says a continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike so a continual dropping you think of the faucet that doesn't stop dripping and it just echoes what is it it's annoying kind of irritating right a contentious woman is not you know no one's afraid of a contentious woman a man is not afraid of a contentious woman like oh man she's gonna beat me up or something oh man this lady's gonna mop the floor with me really what it is is just it's just annoying i want to be around someone like that okay and so what the point that i'm trying to make is the fact that anger is not only something that men struggle with it's actually something that women can struggle with as well