(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, I'll give you an example. I remember when I was a freshman in Bible college and we went to, after church, we went to In-N-Out, that great, wonderful place called In-N-Out. And I was there with a bunch of my friends or whatever and we're there eating and I remember waiting in line and we're wearing suits, we're wearing shirts and ties, we just got out of church or whatever and these ladies were there, okay? And the ladies were just like, where are you guys from? Where are you guys coming from? We're like, I'm coming from church, you know? Oh, what church are you going to? Pacific Baptist. So we started saying, you know, where we're from and what we believe and all these things, we're Baptist. And they're like, yeah, we're Christians here, okay, you know? And then they start obviously talking about how they're charismatic and they're Pentecostal and stuff. And I didn't have a filter in my mouth, to be honest with you, you know? So I just kind of was just like, you know, they started talking about tongues and I was just like, well, I don't believe in tongues. Yeah, I don't, that's not even the Bible I told them. And shoot, man, she got pissed off. She's like, excuse me? I'm like, yeah, in fact, you know, this so-called speaking in tongues is a violation of 1 Corinthians 14 where it says that a woman ought to keep silence in the church. Bam, I like them apples. I said, because you're doing it in church, right? She's like, yeah, but I have the gift of tongues. I said, yeah, but you're just supposed to be quiet in the church though. So how do you justify that? She was not happy. I didn't care. I ordered my food, you know, and I went to go sit down and they came to our table and this lady's like, I can't believe you said it. You're so rude and all this stuff. I'm just like, I'm just telling what the Bible says. You know, I said, I don't even believe in tongues though, this so-called thing you call tongues. I said, do you speak in tongues? She says, of course I do. I said, do it right now. And she did it. She was like, I was like, okay. Now just repeat what exactly what you just said right now. And she's like, well, I mean, you know, I can't. I'm like, well, why not? Because you're a phony, that's why. You know, and in fact, I told her, I was like, why don't you go ahead and translate what you just said right now? Phony? See, it's a bunch of shows what it is, you know? She thought she really had me when she actually practiced her little jibber jabber and I was like, well, say the same exact thing that you just said right now. Couldn't do it. It's foolishness and folly. And people who do that, they just want to edify themselves. They just want to look cool, you know, which you don't look cool speaking in tongues. You look like a stinking psycho is what you look like.