(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So I want you to know she's not necessarily charlatan in the sense of like, you know She is by sleight of hand trying to you know, do these things the bible actually says she's possessed by a demon And the second thing I want you to notice is that she's possessed by a spirit Uh of divination which the bible also calls necromancy. Okay now go with me if you would to leviticus chapter 20 Hold your place there leviticus chapter 20 in verse 16 of acts 16 It says that it came to pass as we went to prayer a certain damsel possessed with the spirit of divination Met us, okay Now Today you still have this palm readers Look in the spanish culture You have this a lot Where they have these what they call botanicas Where you can go there and they'll they'll tell your future they'll read your palm They'll they'll do all these weird rituals on you in order to get information about you They basically invoke a spirit to try to get information about you and lie, right? And you know these people will say well, you know, we can you can communicate to the dead You know because they have unfinished business here. How many have you ever heard something like that? Yeah, their their spirit is stuck here Because they have unfinished business Folks when someone dies, there's only one of two places they're going to go Yeah If the person is saved and what I mean by saved, I mean they they believe on the lord jesus christ exclusively For eternal life the bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord Business is over Right as soon as someone dies in the lord Their body goes into the ground, but their spirit goes to heaven to be with the lord forever. Okay Now if that person is not saved if this individual Did not trust christ as their savior. They're depending on their works They're depending on their church or on keeping the commandments on repenting of their sins on getting baptized on anything other than jesus christ That person will go to hell And the bible says that when that person dies, they will lift up their eyes and help being in torment