(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You're in California though, this is commie-fornia. Folks, as goes California, so goes the rest of the nation. Right? I mean, look, California gets a bad rap, does it not? You know, when people think, any time I travel, people think that California is just like, just oozing with sodomites. They're like, don't you have all those homosexuals over there? I literally, and I'm being honest with you, I have not seen a sodomite in, I don't know, over a month, two months, where I never see them. Never, and they think like West Hollywood is like, right here, like across the street. Obviously West Hollywood is filled with sodomites, folks. But it's not across the street. Do you understand how big Los Angeles is? It's massive. You can literally enjoy Los Angeles without ever going to West Hollywood. Is that where they're at, West Hollywood, right? You can enjoy Los Angeles without ever having to go there. Well, isn't like Los Angeles filled with bums and all these transients? Like downtown LA? I like never go to downtown. Why would I ever wanna go to downtown LA? There's better places to go to. And they think that California is just this dump hole. But look, folks, I even read an article this week about a guy who's running for senator over in, I think, Georgia, or one of those red states. The guy's a pastor who's running for this political position who is promoting abortion. He's like, I wanna fight for abortion. And I think that's a Christian thing to do. And I post it and I'm just like, you guys think California is crazy. At least the wicked people, individuals here, I mean, they're wolves in wolves' clothing, right? What I'm saying is, and by the way, California is wicked, obviously. Duh. You think God's burning California? Obviously, he burns it every year. He burns California every year. Now, I'm like, we're like never affected by that, as far as I know. And even if we were affected, it's not because God hates us or is judging us, it's because we live in California. But you think those fires are bad, wait till Babylon is just completely destroyed. At that point, you're not gonna be talking about California. The entire nation's gonna be destroyed at that point.