(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) but you haven't learned to behave like they did you know if so be the I've heard him so in other words you know if you've been in church you've heard the word of God preached you know what the Bible says you read the Bible you're not going to learn from church and the Bible to behave the way they do out there you know you're not going to learn how to behave like an animal from church right because churches is not a place they teach evolution churches not a place where they teach you how to riot and revel and do all types of wickedness you learn those things from the world right and that's why we need to reject the world's standards and information and wisdom that's that's really you know the wisdom of this world not referring to you know knowledge and common sense we're referring to the philosophies of this world that seek to mold the mind of a person to uh to be involved in depravity and things are just dishonoring to God right and he's saying look if you've learned Christ if you've heard him and have been taught by him and of course the implication there is that you're in church you're reading the word of God yourself you're not going to learn how to behave like a gentile you understand now here's the thing there's churches out there that teach you how to behave like a gentile there's churches out there that teach you how to behave like an unsaved person they say come as you are and leave as you were now look come as you are to first works baptist church but you know eventually you need to clean up your life you need to repent of your sins you need to clean up your life and read the word of God and live a holy life and then change you know and we're looking to change people when they come to church they get saved we want to change them you know I'm looking to get the the the when the gangsters come in you know we want we want to get them in a shirt and tie oh well why is that that's so Pharisaical well first of all Pharisa didn't wear shirt ties okay and you know why that's important because it shows a an outward transformation of something that's taken place inside and it shows a heart of submission it shows a heart of obedience it shows a heart that is actually you know becoming look folks when you get right with God your clothing does change let me just be honest with you you know I mean what does it say of the maniac of Gedera that he was after he he met the Lord what happened he was sitting in what clothed and in his right mind isn't it isn't it obvious in the Bible that when people encountered the Lord or had some sort of meeting with God they ended up putting their clothes on right they they they they're no longer naked okay they begin to put their clothes on and and they change the way they look because there's a change on the inside that begins to express itself outwardly it doesn't happen all the time but you know sometimes it does and it's not just a matter of the horror sometimes they change because they're around other people who are influencing them to change right come to a church you see how everyone's dressed you see how everyone acts and you begin to behave in like manner you understand and so you know you learn Christ and look obviously those are standards those are preferences but you know they learn how to live a life that's pleasing unto the Lord they learn how to put away sin from them they learn how to love their wives as Christ also loved the church they learn how to submit to their husbands they learn how to raise their children in the nurturing the admonition of the Lord they learn how to be good employees at their job they learn how to be law-abiding citizens they learn how to be respectful teenagers right respectful hard-working teenagers and people you know young men young ladies that you know submit to their father or submit to their you know their future spouse or whatever it may be you know just having that attitude of submission and having that attitude of humility and meekness these are qualities that you learn in church