(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Next point here, we're almost done. Number six, the mechanics of sowing. We need a clear objective. So what's the objective, folks, when we go out there to go preach the gospel? What's the purpose of it? Get people saved, right? Not very complicated. Isn't it to go out and get people to come to our church? No. I mean, that would be great. We would rejoice if they come, they get baptized, they get plugged in. Great. But the objective is to get them saved. And let me get more specific, okay? The objective is to get them saved, but let me just be more specific. The objective is to get them to call upon the name of the Lord. The purpose of going out there and preaching the gospel is to get them saved, but let's just get more specific because if it's not specific, it's not dynamic. And the goal is this, to get them to call upon the name of the Lord. So I ain't so mad about that. You know, I'll tell you why, because there's people out there who claim to believe the same type of doctrines that we believe regarding believing in your heart, which obviously we believe that you have to believe to be saved, but guess what, folks? The Bible says to call upon the name of the Lord. And people wanna criticize that and say, well, that's not necessary for salvation. Well, let's just tear Romans 10, 13 out of the Bible then. Why not? Let's just take every single time the Bible says to call upon the name of the Lord, let's just tear that out, you know? Thanks for pointing that out. Thank you for telling me the way God should have written his word. Let's just go ahead and remove all those passages of scripture that says to call upon the name of the Lord. I mean, it's not just once, folks. It's there all over the Bible. So what does that show us? It shows us that God wants us to tell them to call upon the name of the Lord. Yeah, but what if, though? What if, you know, a person is mute? All these little, you know, theoretical scenarios, right? Pastor, are you saying that if someone is mute and they can't talk, they don't have a voice box, and they just believe in their heart, they're not gonna be saved? Obviously, that's not what I'm saying. You're being obtuse. You're being obtuse. People like this are obtuse, okay? Why? Because of the fact that, obviously, if they're mute, they can't call upon the name of the Lord because they're mute. Doesn't mean they're not saved. But you know what? If a person has a voice box, which most people do, if a person is able to speak, which most people are able to do that, then we should compel them to call upon the name of the Lord. And I'm gonna explain to you why. Look at Acts 22. Let's look at some examples here. Verse 12, it says, And one Ananias, a devout man, according to the law, having a good report of the Jews which dwelt there, came unto me and stood and said unto me, Brother Saul, receive thy sight. And the same hour I looked upon him. And he said, The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and see that just one, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth. For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard. And now, why terriest thou? Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord. Now, how do you wash away your sins? By calling on the name of the Lord. What are you doing? Why are you telling Paul to do that? He just has to believe. Well, I'll tell you why, because the rest of the Bible says that. To call on the name of the Lord. Go to Romans chapter 10. Now, let me explain to you why it's important for someone to call upon the name of the Lord, okay? Because to call upon the name of the Lord is synonymous with confessing with your mouth. Look what it says in Romans 10, nine. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus. Now, why does it say that? That's kind of an interesting way of putting that, isn't it? If you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus. Why did he choose to word it that way? Well, because the person that is gonna confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus is testifying that God is true. They're bearing witness that the testimony of God is true. And out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word shall be established. I mean, think about this. In the Old Testament, if someone was to be convicted of a crime, the Bible literally says, out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word shall be established. So that means that they would have to go to the witnesses and say, did you see this person? Do you believe this person did this? Do you agree that this person did this? Did you see him do it? Yes, that person murdered that individual. Yes, that person did it. Yes, I saw him do it. Okay, out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word was established. They agreed together with their witness and therefore that person would be convicted upon those terms. But according to these people, it's like this. Hey, do you believe this person did this? What? What if that person believed that that person murdered that other individual in their heart but they never confessed it? Then they wouldn't be able to convict them on that, would they? It would require the verbal witness to confirm that this person is guilty. All these three people, they believe in their heart but they're not willing to make a confession. Well, guess what? There is no indictment upon that if there's no confession. If these people do not confess that this person is guilty of the crime, they're not gonna take them. Why? Because they require a confession of the mouth. Why? Because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks what the heart believes. What if they believe but they don't wanna confess? What if they believe but they just don't wanna confess? Well, that's kinda weird, is it not? To believe that salvation is by faith alone and Christ alone, you could never lose your salvation but not wanna say it? Isn't that weird? Bible says in Romans 10, nine, that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe, and, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised them from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. What does that mean? It confirms that salvation, it seals the deal right then and there. The exception to the rule, yes, would be the person who is mute. Just like the exception to the rule would be for the person who's blind who can't read the word of God, they can still get saved even though they can't read it with their eyes. But folks, most people can speak. And look, obviously we've all had this happen where someone at the door says they believe and they'll say, well, I'd just rather pray by myself. Right? Now this is what I do. I say, well, what's the problem with praying now? And in fact, when I leave people to the Lord, I never tell them, can I pray with you? You know what I actually tell them? I said, now can I assist you in telling God what you already believe in your heart? All right? Can I assist you in telling God what you already believe in your heart? If they say no, I'm like, okay. And by the way, I don't count it. Even if they say, well, I'll pray like in 15 minutes by myself, I don't count it. Why, because I need a witness. Right? In the mouth of two or three witnesses, because sometimes we have to put a third person in that group of soul owners, because they're uneven. The mouth of two or three witnesses, every word shall be established. So when two soul owners come back and they say we got someone saved, we have two witnesses to bear witness of that, to validate that. You know? It says in verse 13, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. When a person believes in their heart and they confess with their mouth, they are basically testifying that what God says is true. First John chapter five. God is giving a record of his son. He's giving a witness of his son. And when we verbalize our agreement with that witness, we're testifying that what he's saying is true. We're saying, this is correct. This is true. I believe this. It's not. Mm. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. So here, let me say this, or let me read this. Hebrews 3, one says, wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest of our profession, Christ Jesus. Hebrews 4, 14, seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens, Jesus, the son of God, let us hold fast our profession. It's referring to that which is uttered, that which is being confessed, the fact that you called upon the name of the Lord. So you say, well, you know, why are you making such a big deal about this? Because there's idiots out there who say that confessing with your mouth is a work. If you can believe that. People out there literally say that confessing with your mouth is a work. Because you ask for salvation, that's a work. These are the same holier than nows, folks. Bunch of holier than now, Pharisaical individuals who they're so faith alone in Christ alone. They're so once saved, always saved. I mean, they would just want you to be a vegetable when you get saved. They just want you to just like, he's like, no, you have to be just like laying down. Don't even blink to agree to what that person is saying. I literally had someone tell me this yesterday. Oh yeah, Cody, you know. You know, they're over here talking about, oh, that's a work. Confessing, you know, and calling upon the name of the Lord. That's a work, even though they can't point to a scripture. And it's funny, they want to point to a scripture, where do they go? Romans 10, nine? You gotta believe. Oh, did you forget the other part of the verse too? It's only by belief. So, you know what? Paul, you messed up. You messed up. But as I recall, there's a story in the Bible in John chapter four of a Samaritan woman, and Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman says this in verse number 10. Jesus answered and said unto her, if thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that say to thee, give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. According to that person who was teaching that, Jesus was teaching works. He was teaching works. Because he's saying, look, you should have asked and I would have given it to you, the gift of God. Oh, I mean, yeah, but that's a different dispensation. Asking for something is not a work. Okay? Because none of us would look at the derelicts who are at the exit of a freeway and say they're working hard. Those people are working hard. There's one guy who had a sign one time that I gave him a dollar, just because the sign was really good. It said, family kidnapped by ninjas need a dollar for karate classes. I was like, dang, that was good. Take a dollar. I shouldn't have done it, but the sign was that good. So that was pretty creative. But most of the guys, they're not working. Oh, no, they're putting in a lot of work. See how many people they ask? You know, all the work that their jaw has to put into it, the muscles and verbalizing, asking for money, that requires work. What in the world? Insane, folks. To ask for something is not a work. To ask for something is what you do when someone is offering you something, you say, yes, can I please have it? A work, according to the Bible, is something that requires your effort in obeying God's commandments or doing good works. Let me say this, confessing is not a good work. Go to Acts chapter five, if you would. So we need a specific objective. In order to make sowing work, a specific objective is needed, and that is this, to get people saved, but let's get more specific, to have them call upon the name of the Lord. That when you go out there and you preach the gospel, in your mind, you know at the end of this, I'm gonna seek to have them call upon the name of the Lord in faith. And look, obviously there's people out there that do this one, two, three, prayer after me thing, which is stupid. They don't get people saved, where they're just like, I've known of churches, they literally do a one, two, three, prayer after me, they're not throwing their gospel presentation, and that's wrong. But we're not a one, two, three, prayer after me church. We got way more steps than that. And we go through way more verses. And we don't just try to get someone to pray a prayer, we wanna make sure they understand what they're hearing. We wanna confirm that they understand. That's why we check, we ask questions, we interact with them. It's not a one-sided conversation. When you're preaching the gospel, it's not one-sided. I mean, you're interacting with them. You're talking to them, you're laughing with them, you're asking them questions, you're answering their questions, you're going back and forth with them, okay? And then at the end, when you can confirm, okay, I believe this person understands. Do you believe this in your heart? Yes, I do. Okay, then I want to assist you in telling God what you already believe in your heart. And you know what? 95, 99% of the time that I've done that, the people who believe in their heart have no problem confessing it with their mouth. They're like, whoa, no, I thought you said just believe. Wait, I thought you said it wasn't by works, man. Has anybody ever had someone at the door say to you, when you said to call upon the name of the Lord, that's a work. Anybody like that? Whoa, hold on a second, I thought you said not by works of righteousness, which I have done. But according to his mercy, he's saved. No one's ever had that. I've never had anybody ask me that. It's the same side of, it's basically calling upon the name of the Lord and believing on Jesus Christ, they're the same side. Him trying to figure out the phrase they're trying to say of the coin. What's the word I'm looking for? Two sides of the same coin, thank you. The two sides of the same coin. Just like this, are we saved by God's grace? We are, right? Are we saved by God's mercy? Whoa, hold on, you're adding something there. No, the two sides of the same coin. No, it's not by mercy, we're saved by grace. It's both. It's like people trying to say, oh, you know, we're saved by his death, but not necessarily by his resurrection, it's all done by his death. It's both. Stop being so obtuse. It's both. It's his death, burial, and resurrection that saves us. Lastly is this, I just want to get on that. This whole sermon was for that point. I don't even care if you improve your soul. I'm just kidding.