(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) now as a leader the Apostle Paul he set forth an example but guess what he also set forth rules because that's what a leader ought to do right set forth an example but also give rules or orders now go back to 1st Corinthians chapter number 11 so he gave an example he says follow me as I follow Christ I love people I want to see people saved and you ought to have that same desire and adapt to that but he also set forth rules within the churches that he established look at verse number two now I praise you brethren that ye remember me in all things and keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you so I want you to notice there that ordinances is plural so it's more than one okay and these ordinances that they're keeping Paul is praising them for that that means they're doing the right things and therefore he's praising them for that you guys see that so ordinances is plural means it's more than one he said why do you bring that up well for the simple fact that there's a lot of churches that have these practices and they base them oh they call they basically have this ideology that the church only has two ordinances and in fact if you've been a part of an independent fundamental Baptist they'll often have a doctrinal statement or a sheet of paper that says Baptist and they have like acronym it's like a Baptist acronym how many know what I'm talking about okay they have and by the way my old church did it and most independent Baptist churches do it because they basically copy and paste what the other church does now what is the acronym Baptist well they'll say this B is for biblical authority amen A is for autonomy of the local church in other words we're independent amen all right P is for the priesthood of the believers we believe that T is for two offices of the church which is referring to the deacons and the bishops okay and then it talks about individual soul liberty right I believe that separation of church and state but the one I don't agree with is T you say what is the last T it's the two ordinances of the church how many have ever heard that and they'll say this the two ordinances of the church is what baptism and what yeah communion Lord's Supper and they'll say those are the two ordinances of the church I heard of my whole Christian life I mean if you've been an independent Baptist Church long enough you're gonna hear something like that the Baptist acronym the church has two ordinances well is that true does the church have really have two ordinances you know the fact of the matter is the ordinance is basically an order so do we only like when you guys come to church do we only do baptisms and Lord's Supper no right in fact we have all kinds of orders that God gives us he tells us to go out and sow in to keep yourselves from safe to keep yourself sanctified abstain from fornication we ought to give tithes on the first day of the week all kinds of orders that God gives us in his word it's not just baptism and the Lord's Supper now you say well why do they do that then why do they say that there's only two ordinances in the church and by the way I preached that years ago as as a as a independent Baptist years ago I preached that many times that there's two ordinances but I never really questioned it but in actuality we'll get into the Lord's Supper tonight because we're gonna talk about that tonight but in all reality it's not two ordinances of the church the root of this teaching is actually found in Roman Catholicism and I'm explaining to you why you see Roman Catholicism has a an order of sacraments called the seven sacraments that one has to obey for salvation okay you guys ever heard of the second sacraments or seven sacraments how many of ever were Catholics before okay you know how many did all seven did you guys anybody do all seven I think I did like two all right I think I went up to my like confirmation and that was it now the seven sacraments are baptism confirmation Eucharist which is they would we would call communion penance anointing of the sick holy orders and matrimony and they say those are the seven things you have to do to get to heaven now there's a problem with that because holy orders is basically you becoming a priest so do all the ladies go to hell or something or what like how does that work but these are the sacraments now in the there's something called the Protestant Reformation okay where there's people who were within the Catholic Church that protested the Catholic Church right came out of the Catholic Church and they basically said no we're Protestants we're Protestant Christians we're not Catholic but here's the thing many of those Protestant Christians still adhere to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church they're a bunch of bastard children of the Catholic Church there's nothing different about them okay but the only difference is is this they'll say well there's not seven sacraments there's two sacraments and they'll say this communion and baptism that's why the Protestants still baptized babies you'll find throughout the years of you know the Congregationalist and all these bastard children of the Catholic Church still baptizing babies where do they get that from from the Catholic Church so the Protestants had two sacraments and they literally called it sacraments there's only two that said no there's not seven you have to do to be saved there's only two communion and baptism and then some idiot Baptist decided to say well you know I like that idea but we're not gonna call it sacraments because it sounds too Catholic we're gonna call it ordinance and it's not to save it's just you know something that the church does so that's how Baptists adopted that stupid teaching that there's two ordinances of the church no Jesus said you know because they'll tell you this they'll say well you know we only observe there's only two ordinances that we observe Jesus said to observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you along with you always all things not just baptism is like oh we can't do that it's only baptism and community that's the only thing we can observe no observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you and he commanded us a lot okay there's a lot of commandments in the Bible and so that's where that comes from do we only observe Lord's Supper or just the baptism no we observe all things whatsoever God has commanded us that's why we do our best in our church to preach the whole counsel of God you know and I'm doing my best to preach through the Bible it's gonna take years and years and years but we're gonna get it done we want to get it done because God has commanded us to do so