(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I like the fact that Asa did that which is good and right in the eyes of the Lord in spite of his people the people who came before him in spite of what stigma his family may have had he stepped out and said well I'm gonna be different okay you know maybe you know my dad was a deadbeat maybe he didn't have a job but I'm gonna be a hard worker you know maybe my family was unfaithful but I'm gonna be a loyal faithful person maybe my family you know there were just lukewarm Christians well I'm gonna be on fire for the Lord okay because you have that choice you know the the failures of your family or of your past doesn't have to be imposed upon your character today okay he says in verse number three he did that which is good and right in the eyes of the Lord now this means that he prepared his heart to seek the Lord right so when God looked at him it wasn't like oh yeah he just has a good heart he didn't look at him and just say well it looks like he just has a he just loves me right it was based upon an action why because we look what it says in verse 3 for he took away the altars of the strange gods and the high places and break down the images and cut down the groves so why did God say hey he's doing that which is right and good in my sight because he was just destroying idols he's like I love God so much I just hate every other false God and I'm gonna show you how much I hate these false gods I'm just gonna break every single one that I come across break all the altars and the high places and the images I'm gonna cut down the groves look at verse 4 and commanded you to seek the Lord God of their fathers hey you should be reading the Bible too as we telling you say hey everyone obey God's commandments in my kingdom all right have you read have you read Deuteronomy yet make sure you read that okay everyone obey the commandments of God I mean this is zeal okay he says commanded you to seek the Lord God of their fathers and to do the law and the commandment this is an awesome King right here this King I wish we had a king I wish we had a president like this who can articulate ideas and and and beads you know just strong leader here you know imposing the right type of laws amen