(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, yeah, but brother here pastor you need to chill out a little bit things are changing though pastor I mean, I don't know if you've been watching the news lately, but you know things are changing, you know, president trump man He is for us You know, he's changing things You know, I even think that he's going to be able to impede the new world order Because we all know that the new world order is working in cahoots with the un And the un is going to help usher in the new world order falls folks Well, he's against vaccines You know and he is for christians. He's going to help establish this and destroy globalism And in fact in this speech he says americanism not globalism Americanism not globalism and here's the thing folks. We have been duped Out Into thinking that globalism is the agenda of the new world order and of the antichrist. It's a sleight of hand folks It's a sleight of hand donald trump is looking to take that down You see and someone literally asked me like do you think that you know Donald trump could potentially stop the new world order from happening. Absolutely not It's going to happen but hold on a second if he goes forth and establishes nationalism Patriotism americanism. What is who is that going to attract? It's going to attract christians It's going to attract believers who are in america. Why because americans who are christians have Ardently fought against globalism, right? the liberals and the democratic party Globalism barack obama the un but hold on a second now. What do you have? You have an emphasis not on globalism. In fact, you have an emphasis on destroying globalism and establishing nationalism He said well, how is that? Going to transition into the new world order. You see people think like the new world order is when the antichrist imposes Himself and his government upon people that's not what it is at all The new world order is when people are integrated into the new world order willingly They want to be romans You see if you remember in the roman empire, it was a privilege to have roman citizenship This was something that was looked upon greatly people. I mean you hear paul the apostles talking about being a roman This is something that people want it And so in like manner if you have donald trump propagating nationalism patriotism People are going to bite into that hook line and sinker. He said well, I thought like the the the world hated america though You know, I thought you know, they're they're completely against america. Yeah, but hold on a second. What if you have a crisis of some sort With no solution and then you have someone who someone like donald trump who's for nationalism bring the solution What if you have someone like donald trump coming in and establishing Or promoting sovereign liberty for every nation He'll gain fans quick The new world order is not going to be established by globalism The new world order will be established by nationalism because everyone's going to want a piece of a pie Everyone's going to want to be a part of that new world order. They're not going to be forced into it People are going to want to be a part of it. Okay? It's sleight of hand You know the by the way, i'm not saying obviously they're taking over the world globalists, right? They're going to take over the world. But what i'm saying is the idea of globalism has evolved Is going to evolve, okay Because think about this Who's the group in this world that satan is trying to deceive the most? Is it islam? Is it anywhere anyone any other is it the buddhist? No, who does he want to see the most? Mainstream christianity, right? And you know what we've seen a great change or even conspiracy theorists are for trump Even not just concerned we know the we know the fox news baptists are for trump, obviously But now you're seeing conspiracy theorists for trump as well. Why because now he's fighting for their rights as well Anti-vaxx or whatever? He's appealing to that crowd Why because he wants to deceive them And wouldn't this if if he were to uh have these righteous exploits so to speak Where he's you know, he's uh, uh stopping the pedophilia rings. He's doing all these great exploits. Wouldn't that? Raise an eyebrow to some people to say well, you know, maybe maybe you know, this preterist view is correct Maybe he's ushering in the kingdom Because now we have someone in the white house as the president who is doing all these righteous Exploits and we're going to have a righteous nation a righteous world Those who are promoting a you know ushering in the kingdom type of doctrine. They're going to bite into that hook line and sinker But we know that it's sleight of hand