(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And it kind of makes sense that people would covet those great gifts, you know. But what Paul's trying to do, which he has those abilities, is kind of basically redirect their focus and say, hey, you need to covet to be able to preach. Why? Because our main responsibility as Christians, whether apostles or just regular disciples, believers, is to preach the gospel. That's the greatest thing. And these things are going to pass away. These things are not going to be here forever. Preaching is. Now, with that in mind, look at verse 21. And the eye cannot say into the hand, I have no need of thee, nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. Look what it says here, nay, much more of those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary. And those members of the body, which we think to be less honorable, upon these we bestow more abundant honor. And our uncommonly parts have more abundant comeliness. Now think about this. He's saying, look, the things that we think are not necessary, they're actually the most necessary. Preaching, right? Or how about this, when he says the things we think are less honorable upon those we bestow more honor. What does that remind you of? Well, 1 Timothy chapter 5 verse 17 says that those who rule well are worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and in doctrine. So he's saying, look, you think like prophesying is not that important, we bestow more abundant honor on that person, because they're laboring in the word of God, they're laboring in the Bible. You see, it takes work to know the Bible. It doesn't take work for the apostles to do miracles. It doesn't take work to be able to slap your hand on someone's forehead and heal them. It does take work to know the Bible. It takes years, therefore someone who rules well, therefore someone who knows the word of God, they're laboring, they're rightly dividing the word of truth, they get more honor. He said, well, what about the comeliness part? Well, think what does comeliness mean? Beautiful. Because obviously everyone in the church is not going to be a pastor or a preacher, but everyone can still be a preacher of the gospel. And the Bible says that these uncommonly parts, the ones you think are not as important, they have more abundant comeliness. They're more beautiful. Why? Because how beautiful are the feet of them that preach glad tidings. So what is Paul doing? He's redirecting their focus. He's saying, look, you guys got it all backwards. You know, speaking what you look, and he even said himself, I speak more with tongues than you all. Right? He was able to speak in more languages than anybody else in that church. But here's the thing he was saying, you should covet to prophesy. And both Old and New Testament emphasize that. You think of the story of Moses when Caleb came and he was complaining, he was whining. Oh, you know, the prophesying in the camp. He's like, what's it got that all God's people were prophesying? The word to God that everyone would preach the word of God. Why? Because when it comes to the preaching of God's word, it's an even plane as far as the gospel is concerned. Everyone can get involved in preaching the gospel.