(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And you know it's funny I'm just gonna read this list for you here because I'm not gonna have time to go through all these I've just basically compiled this list over time You know you've probably heard better ones or more of them But here's some things that Jesus never said for example only God can judge you we heard that one yesterday judge not period No judgment that that's that's that's a very popular thing or how about this one hate the sin not the sinner Jesus never said that that was said by Muhammad Gandhi or what about this one love thy neighbor including the LGBT community In pedophiles is that that that's not true Jesus never said that we are gonna talk about that this morning Or how about this one you need to forgive anyone for any reason any time so somebody comes in your house and blows your family Way and hates God you're just supposed to instantly. Oh, it's all good. Don't don't don't even worry about it You know it's all God loves you not true How about this one God loves everyone and so a loving God would not send people to hell? How about this one? It's not about a religion. It's about a Relationship or the the next one here the Billy Graham all roads lead to heaven is that true? How about this your life might be the only Bible that some people read? or Anyone can be saved even up to their deathbed. No matter what then so this is what people say you know even Jeffrey Dahmer got saved on his deathbed. Yeah, this guy who hated God who was a sodomite who cooked people up real good and ate him Then yeah sure he could get saved. That's that's all over the Bible, or how about this one God doesn't hate anyone Or how about this Jesus said to coexist? Jesus said to tolerate everybody or the most famous one that the world likes to push do what makes you happy That's actually a popular Satanist type saying there right do as thou will that was wasn't that Aleister Crowley's thing do as thou will