(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet, Esaias, or Isaiah. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written. So remember back then they didn't have the numbering system that we have today. Like turn to chapter four, verse 18 or nothing like that. Let's talk about this for a second. You wanna talk about going to church? You wanna talk about spending time with God? Let's get everyone in here a Bible without chapters and verses say, find the place where it's written, this or that. I mean, you would really, really know your physical Bible that you use every day, to be able to get to that right page in that passage. Now it's easy because we could just flip through and look at the numbers. Then look at the books and look at the titles and the chapter. Or you could just whip out your phone and just type it in your Bible app and you come up with it like that. And you could sound super mega spiritual. Think about these times here, no chapters, no verses, it's just the words. And he found very quickly, that's a lesson for us. But how do you get to that place where you just know? How do you get to that level? We do it by going to church and by reading the Bible and just doing the things that you ought to be doing. By offering yourself as a living sacrifice.