(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Was it two weeks ago? We were at the store, you know, everybody's getting six I was looking for some vitamin C. It's right after church Wednesday night, right? So I've got I think Jessica was really sick and I had Kayden Colin and Kelly with me We're looking for some vitamin C. He's now the vitamin out. Oh my god And So I hear this conversation take place this lady's like these two ladies begin to talk and they're like, oh you're a Christian I'm a Christian too. It's so nice to run into another believer. This is great Cuz you know how wicked the city is and I'm just looking at Kayden. He's looking at me. I'm like You know, I just had this thought across my mind like if they came and talked to us Which I say there's the story so she comes down the aisle and she sees me and I'm just just like this I probably had the same shirt on right? He's gone. I Got a basket full of groceries, you know, and he's got one too and And you know and she's like, hey do you guys work here and I'm like No, we don't we don't work here and she's like, oh, okay I thought you might have worked here just got dressed up. No, sorry And she's like, you know where you know, somebody was like, I don't know where anything's out She's like so she's just like, you know, really pouring it on like oh praise God. Amen You know this kind of stuff and I'm like great here comes, you know And she's like you guys are dressed so nice and not and you guys go to church I'm like, yeah, we go to church and you know one thing leads to another and I can't remember what she said I was like this might be a good time to preach the gospel. I'm thinking like okay God sent this woman here for a reason Hey, oh, that's right. She tells me she's about to she was gonna die of cancer 12 years ago. That's what it was, right? Yeah, she's like, yeah, I survived cancer. I'm like wow, you know something You know, I can get her saved. She's cancer survivor, you know, it was meant for this moment And you know, so I begin the soul-winding process. I'm like, well, hey, you know You've been going to church for a long time or you're 100% sure you're on your way to heaven It's like oh, yes. I've been saved other washed in the blood And she's like, yeah, I'm saying I already know that I'm on my way I was like great I was like, what are you trusting him to get you there? And she's like Jesus. I'm like, okay, you know That's a pretty pretty common answer. I and she goes said something else and that I said well, hey, let me ask you this Um, do you think it's possible for a Christian to lose their salvation like say if they backslide, you know get into sin and she goes She goes see that's what I don't know. And I said, okay. Well, hey, what do you think you have to be saved? She's like well, so it's a free gift and you just have to believe okay And I'm like so you see you've been saved you believe the gospel and I was like, but again what what else? So what happens if you're saved you clean, but she'll never she goes Well, you'll probably go to hell if you don't ask for forgiveness it I'm like, okay, so you're saved by Maintaining a relationship. Yeah, that's it. I'm maintaining that relationship. That's what I meant to say I was like, okay, then it's a lot of work to maintain a relationship, right? Yes I was like, okay, so you're saved by works and she's like yes, and then she's like I was like you just told me It was a free gift. She's like Yeah, I did She's like she's like well, I just I just don't know and she was but anyways She cuts me off and she goes, where do you go to church? This is no joke I said I go to Verity Baptist Church and she goes whoa, like she freaks out. She jumps back about five feet She looks at me like this. I'll never forget. She tells her head like this Like rally Wow and she's like I was like, okay, what have you heard about it that kind of caused that reaction and she's like I'm like we gotta get out of here. But I was like I was like no, I need to finish this and I was like Hey, look, let me just share some Bible verses with you. I go in Ephesians chapter 2. She's like no I know what the Bible says she's like talking with this deep voice. No And she goes anyway, you're not filled with the spirit. You've never spoken to Thomas I can tell The Bible says you gotta speak in tongues as evidence of salvation I was like where at she's like, I don't know She puts another switch now. She's almost like I don't know I'm like so who told you that I don't know I go to the Catholic Church. See I got a broad range I go to Calvary. What is it Calvary Christian Center? It's a Pentecostal church. It doesn't matter I'm like, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know It's a Pentecostal church. It doesn't matter. And she goes to a Catholic church. So she's getting both of those She's like but they're both so similar in nature. I when I'm at Calvary I don't know that I'm not in the Catholic church when I'm in the Catholic church I don't know that I'm not a Calvary and I'm like, okay So I figure I'll try one more time right that second or maybe my now it's third admonition And she gives me both these answers again, but she just freaked out. She's like You're not you're not speaking in tongues You don't even understand that and I was like I was like look the tongue of the tongue in the Bible is either the organ In your mouth or it's another language the only tongue that I speak is English and that's not even very good And she's fine. She's getting beat right at this point cuz I'm like look we gotta go And she's what she do she she just starts like laughing and she's like ha ha ha of course You gotta go and then she walks around the corner. She's like why don't you look it up in the Bible Bible boy? And I was like I was like, oh no, she goes she goes Yeah Keep looking keep searching for keep searching for it and she walks around the corner and she goes just in this really creepy voice I'll never forget. She goes you'll never find it Because it's not there Like let's go so we quit looking for what we were we just need a beeline for the cash register And then of course as I'm you know, I'm at the register. She comes up. Just like oh, I hope I didn't offend you I just not sure about the whole issue. I'd like to know more about on my dough We're going home, yeah