(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) James 1 27 pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this to visit the fatherless To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world, you know But instead of driving by the the ghetto thug looking You know kids and teenagers out there in the ghetto and just roll your eyes at them and think ah Well, that's just how they are. That's how they all have been That's how they always will be you know, the Bible says that we should visit the fatherless in their affliction that we should have compassion for the fact that there is an entire community of people in our country that 70% of them are being raised and don't even know their dad and God commands us as Christians to make the fatherless a priority and to go out of our way To reach them with the gospel and to love them. So what's the Christian response is to reach the fatherless and Then what well number two is to introduce them to a Heavenly Father go to Romans chapter number eight Romans chapter number eight Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans Romans chapter eight you say what do I say? To the average black kid in America that doesn't have their father in their life Well, the first thing you should say to them is that you know what? I'm sorry You don't have a father in your life, but you do have access to a spiritual father You can't have a Heavenly Father and and your Heavenly Father will never leave you whenever forsake you He will never disappoint you and you know what you'd rather have your Heavenly Father any day of the week then Obviously, it's better to have both But you can have a Heavenly Father Romans 8 15 for ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear But ye have received the spirit of adoption Adoption whereby we cry Abba father. You know what? There is an entire community of young kids out there That don't have anyone to call dad that don't have anyone to call father that don't have anyone to cry to To go to when they need help to say daddy But we can introduce them to a Heavenly Father and teach them that you can raise your hands up to heaven and cry Abba father We need to reach the fatherless and we need to introduce them to a Heavenly Father And by the way, this isn't just the ghetto black kid. It's the ghetto every kid white kids brown kids any fatherless kid All the kids out there we need to reach them with the gospel and introduce them for the first time in their lives to a father So I've never met my father. Let me introduce you. Oh, my father is in prison. Let me introduce you to your Heavenly Father We should reach the fatherless We should introduce them to their Heavenly Father number three go to 2nd Timothy chapter 1 we should step in as spiritual fathers I'm talking to the men in this church You need to be looking around for the kids in this church and for kids out in this community That don't have a dad and you need to make it your business and don't get awkward about it and weird about it Of course, we need to make your business to invest yourself You say I need to invest in myself into my kids good. Praise the Lord But you know what if there's a kid that doesn't have a father maybe out of invest yourself into that kid, too 2nd Timothy chapter 1 in verse 5 the Bible says this about Timothy Paul said this about Timothy when I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith That is in thee He says which dwelt first in my grandmother Lois and my mother Eunice and I am persuaded that is in thee Also, you know what's interesting about this verse is that Paul's talking about Timothy's faith and he says it was first in your grandmother It was first in your mother. You know, it's interesting. There's no mention of a dad the Bible tells us that Timothy had a dad who was a Greek a Gentile, but there's no dad there What's really interesting is that when you read 1st and 2nd Timothy you find Paul over and over in fact go to 1st Timothy chapter 1 You find them over and over making statements like these 1st Timothy chapter 1 and verse 2 unto Timothy my own son in the faith Grace mercy and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ Lord. He's constantly referring to Timothy as his own son My own son in the faith. He refers to Titus as his own son in the common faith Now Paul was not physically these children's father, but you know what he he saw Here a situation where there's a young man named Timothy who had a godly grandmother who had a gradly mother but dad apparently was in this picture and Paul stepped in and Paul said you know what? I'm not your physical father, but I can be your father in the faith my own son in the faith You say when you when we see these riots and these protests and these things What should our response be should it be a Republican Fox News respond? Should it be a liberal Democrat? No, our response should be this, you know why there's so many issues in the black community. It's not because they're black It's because they don't have fathers It's not because they need more money. The black kid doesn't need any more handouts or money He needs a dad and you said well, we can't give him a dad then let's introduce him to his Heavenly Father and let's us step in and be spiritual fathers and say you know what you're gonna be my own son in the faith and Then lastly we need to teach them to be fathers go to Ephesians chapter 6. We'll finish up right here Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 4 Ephesians 6 and verse 4 if you kept your place in Romans 1st Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Ephesians 6 4 and you fathers Provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord How do you solve the race problem in America? How do you solve all these issues? You know, you solve it is by reinforcing and reviving the family dynamic in the ghetto in the black community The truth is this that if we can reach enough black kids baptize them disciple them in the Lord teach them to grow up to be godly men the godly man that their Heavenly Father designed them to be Teach them to be honest to walk with integrity to work hard to support their children to get married to love their wife You know if we could have an infusion of black men that would stand up and be godly And we can raise some you black men that would stand up and raise their kids Hey, you're not gonna have to help them get into college. They'll be fine You're not gonna have to help them get groceries. They'll be good You're not gonna have to help them You know be able to get a job or get support if we can just get dats in there. They'll be fine It'll solve the problem we think we can just throw money and throw money and throw money at issues and The love of money is the root of all evil which is why we think that But the problem in the black community is not that they're black The problem in the black community is that their families are broken and If you think it's wrong of me to say that or racist me to say that I don't know how else to help you