(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) A wife is to submit herself or to subject herself under the authority of her husband. What does that mean? That means there's one boss in the home. That means there's one head. The Bible says that the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church. But no, today, what's being taught today by our modern society is, oh no, there's nobody that leads the home. It's just a 50-50 deal. It's just 50-50. You know, the husband makes half the decisions, the wife makes half the decisions. It's just 50-50. We split the bills, 50-50. We split the decisions, 50-50. No one's in charge of anybody. Nobody's over anyone. No one's under anyone. We're just equal. It's 50-50. Here's the problem with that. That works great until there's a disagreement. So somebody's got to make a decision. So somebody's got to decide and say, well, I think we should do this, well, I think we should do that. Well, who makes the decision? And today, our society and many of these feminist women, they'll say, oh no, no, no, I'm not going to submit myself under the authority of some man, oh no, we're equal, we're the same. There's no head of this household. Let me tell you something. Something that has no head is dead. And something that has two heads is a monster. And if you say, well, in our marriage, there's two heads, that's why you've got a monster of a marriage. Because when you've got a being with no head, it's dead. And when it's got two heads, it's a freak of nature.