(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) See, you've got a day in which you will meet God, in which you will stand in judgment, because it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this, the judgment. Now go with me if you would, just real quickly, keep your place there in Hebrews, we're gonna come back to it, and go to the book of Revelation, the last book in the New Testament, Revelation chapter 20, and let me just quickly talk to you about the different types of judgments that the Bible talks about. It's interesting to me that Paul feels the need to say, for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. He says, look, all of us, he emphasizes, are going to appear, in fact, he uses this word, he said, but we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, speaking about the certainty of the judgment seat of Christ. The judgment seat of Christ, of course, being the day that we will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ to be judged by him. Now why is it that Paul feels the need to say we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ? By the way, that's not the only time he says that, I'm gonna show you another time in the New Testament when he says it, and he words it that way. My feeling and my thought in regards to that is this, because of the fact that most Christians don't even know that there is a judgment seat of Christ. Most Christians aren't even aware of such an event that they are scheduled to attend, that they have a meeting with the God of the universe with whom they have to do. Most Christians don't even know. I think if you walked up, and I hope that's not the case here at Verity Baptist Church, but I think if you walked up to the average saved individual and asked them, hey, what do you think about the judgment seat of Christ, or how do you think the judgment seat of Christ is gonna go for you, or are you ready for the judgment seat of Christ? I think the average Christian wouldn't even know of such an event. And then those who do know about it don't think about it. And those who do think about it don't align their lives to it. But I'm here to tell you tonight, and the apostle Paul is here to tell you tonight, that you will one day stand before the Lord Jesus Christ. Now we like that because we think about that, and I'm not taken away from this, we think about the fact that one day we're going to die and get to heaven, and we're gonna stand before Jesus and praise Him and worship Him, and all that is true, but I'm here to tell you that that is not the only time that you will stand, or that may be the time you're looking forward to, but there's also a time that you will stand before Jesus Christ as your judge, when He will judge you, when He will stand in judgment of you and in judgment of me, because we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Now there are two judgments that the Bible talks about for two different types of people. One judgment is for unbelievers, the other is for believers, and I want to explain this to you because I think that sometimes believers have this idea, oh the day of judgment, that's referring to unsaved people when they get thrown into hell, and though that is true, and you will never stand in judgment as a believer and get thrown into hell, there is a judgment for the unsaved, and there is a judgment for the saved. There is a judgment for the unbeliever, and there is a separate judgment for believers. Let me just quickly show you there, Revelation chapter 20 verse 11, here's a judgment for unbelievers. Now if you're saved tonight, you'll never stand at this judgment, but this judgment is not the judgment seat of Christ. This judgment is known as something else. Notice Revelation chapter 20 verse 11, and I saw a great white throne. This is known as a great white throne judgment, and it is a judgment of unbelievers. And him that sat on it, whose face the earth and heaven fled away, and there was found no place before them, notice verse 12, and I saw the dead. These are the people that will be judged at the great white throne, not believers, because believers are never referred to as dead. Whosoever liveth and believeth in me, Jesus said, shall never die. So here he says, and I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God. And the books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books. Notice according to their works, at the great white throne, unbelievers are going to be judged for their works, and they're going to be found wanting. As it is written, there's none righteous, no, not one. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. They'll be found wanting, and they'll be escorted into hell. Now we will be present, in my belief, we will be present at the great white throne, because the Bible says that the whole heaven and earth fled away from the face of him. There's going to be nowhere else to go. We're all going to be there. Praise the Lord that if you're saved tonight, you will not be judged at the great white throne, but we will be present.