(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The spiritist ideas have been present in humankind's history since the beginning of times. In the Old Testament, we see innumerable accounts in which several important notable individuals have talked about their interaction with the spirit realm. Exodus 22 and verse number 18, the Bible says this, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. God says if there is a witch among you, you are to put them to death. He says you put the death penalty on a witch or on witchcraft. Moses saw Jehovah and started hearing voices. The New Testament also has a great number of passages in which we verify the constant and natural interaction of both realms. Jesus talked to Elijah and Moses on the mount in a transfiguration moment. Jesus Christ expelled suffering spirits many times from his followers. On the day of Pentecost, the disciples spoke in tongues. With the help of different mediums, Professor Revol questioned the spirits about God, the invisible world, and the destiny of humankind on earth. Revol published these findings for the benefit and instruction of humanity. He was, however, unaware of the magnitude of the work he was performing, a set of principles capable of impacting and transforming the world. The Bible says this, Regard not them which have familiar spirits. Now, familiar spirit is referring to like a devil or a demon, okay? It's talking about someone who's possessed. Notice what it says, Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards to be defiled by them, I am the Lord your God. So notice how God puts these two together. He says don't, you know, regard, don't listen to, don't pay attention to people who are possessed, people who have a familiar spirit, and then he says, and don't go after wizards. On June 12, 1856, the Spirit of Truth explained to Revol the importance of his mission. He was also informed that the publishing of the books alone would not be enough. He should also expose himself. Revol, not dismayed by the challenges, accepts the task entrusted to him without hesitation. The distinguished educator, Revol, gives way to the notable Alan Cardack who brings to fruition on earth the teachings of the consoler promised by Jesus. And he says don't do after the abominations of those nations, look at verse 10, there shall not be found among you anyone, notice, that maketh the son or his daughter to pass through the fire, talking about human sacrifice, notice the connections, or that useth divination or an observer of times, you know, what's an observer of times? That's your horoscope. That's where you're gazing up at the stars and trying to figure out, you know, how your things are going to go. Hey listen to me, no Christian ought to read a horoscope. It's wicked, it's part of the occult, and he says, or an absorber of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, look at verse 11, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, you see that?