(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And look, just know this, whether you want to go into ministry here in the States or whether you want to go on the mission field, you're going to have you guys that want to go into ministry, you're going to need to get trained. And there's two areas you need to get trained in. One area is just in secular work. It's just doing normal work that's not ministry related. And we understand our life is Christ, everything we do is about God. We understand that. I'm talking about working out in the world just holding a job. Go to Acts 18 real quickly. We're going to come right back to Acts 13. Go to Acts 18. We're almost done. Look at Acts 18 verse 1. After these things, Paul departed from Athens and came to Corinth and found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, lately come from Italy with his wife, Priscilla, because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome and came unto them. Verse 3, and because he was of the same craft, he abode with them and wrought, for by their occupation they were tentmakers. See, Paul, he got support from churches, but when the support didn't come in or when it wasn't enough, he just worked. And look, when Pastor Anderson started Faith Forward Baptist Church, you know what he did for years? He worked a secular job. When we started Verity Baptist Church for years, I worked a secular job. I think probably every pastor in this room has worked a secular job while being in the ministry, while getting work started, while getting...and look, on the mission field, you're just going to...look, you say, I want to be trained for...I'm being called to the ministry at this missions conference, all right? Don't come down the aisle, all right? We don't need to see your emotion. Just do it. You say, how do I get trained for the ministry? Well, number one, learn a job, learn a skill, learn to work somewhere, because look, once you get in the ministry, you're probably going to have to work. You're going to have to be a tentmaker. You might have to do things on the side. And look, even Brother Stuckey. Brother Stuckey is a full-time evangelist, but you know what he works for? Me. We pay him a full-time salary to sustain him there in the Philippines, but he actually does a lot of work for Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, just remotely. He does a lot of work and things like that because, you know, just even being in Manila right now, there's really not a lot for him to do, even with all the soul-winding, everything they're doing, to just have him busy for 40 hours, 50 hours, 60 hours a week, so he does a lot of work for us remotely. He's working. And look, the ministry is work. The Bible calls it a good work, so you say, oh, I want to go on the mission field. I want to go into the ministry. I want to be a pastor. Okay. Learn to work. Step one. Learn to work. You're unemployed. You're already off to a bad start. Go work. Find work. All labor. All labor is good. All labor will yield rewards. But then not only do you need to be trained secularly, you need to be trained for the ministry. Now, look, it's not Bible college, okay? Go to Acts 13. I want you to notice, I love these words in Acts 13. Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers as Barnabas and Simeon that was called Niger and Lucius of Cyrene and Manan, which had been brought up with Herod the Tetrarch. Here's what I think is really interesting about Acts 13 and verse 1. I think God, through the Holy Spirit, he's trying to make a point here. He gives us all these names, right? He says that there's this guy and there's this guy, there's that guy. He says there's this guy named, he says there was these prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon, Niger, Lucius, Cyrene, Manan. And then at the end of the verse, he says this, and Saul. Like Saul's like an afterthought. Oh, and, no, let me forget about Saul, Saul too, and Saul. And Saul. Barnabas, what were they doing? Look at verse 2. As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, separate me, Barnabas and Saul, for the work wherein I have called you. And when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away. And look, Acts 13 starts, and Saul, and by the end of the chapter, it's Paul and his company. I mean, isn't that interesting? He says, and Saul, an afterthought, and then he's Paul running the show, and his posse, leading this mission strip, and you say, how do I get trained for the ministry? You need to be an and Saul at Faithful Word Baptist Church. You need to be an and Saul at Verity Baptist Church. You need to be an and Saul. You say, how do I get trained for the ministry? You need to just be faithful, ministering, fasting, working, soul winning, in your local church. And then the church and your pastor will see your faithfulness and call you and ordain you and commission you into the ministry. And you say, how do I get called? I want to get called. Here's your call. Go in the ministry. Here's what the Bible says, if a man desires the office of a bishop, do you desire the office? And look, I'm not trying to talk you into it. If you don't desire the office, I'm really not trying to talk you into it, because here's the thing about ministry, it's hard. There's fightings within and without, it's difficult. And if it's not something you want to do, don't get in it, because it's a difficult thing. But if you say, I think I'd like to go in the ministry, but you're waiting for your room to light up or the Holy Ghost to show up or something weird like that, look, here's the call. If you desire the office, if you're not disqualified, if you've not disqualified yourself, we need your help. We need you in the ministry, pastoring churches, in evangelism, not going around asking for me, going on the mission field and getting people saved. Isaiah 6, 8, also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, whom shall I send and who will go for us? Then said I, here am I, send me. You know the reason, the reason that the Philippines is having such success with Manila is because there's an evangelist there. And here's what I'm telling you. We need you young guys. You haven't disqualified yourselves. If you desire the work, you need to start working in that direction because we need your help. You need to learn to work with your hands, you need to get under your pastor. Look young men, get the pride, get the stinking pride out of your life. And just be an and-soul for a while. Just look, just be an Elisha to your Elijah. Just be a Joshua to your Moses. And God will eventually see your faithfulness and put you in that place. And look, be an and-soul for a while and then eventually it will be Paul and his company. Because we need you. Because we need you to get in this thing. We need you to get in the ministry. We need you if it's something you can do. And here's all, some of you young guys, you're thinking, ah, I'm going to go into business and I'm going to start this business and I'm going to get this and I'm going to get that and I'm going to get a brand name and I'm going to start this thing and it's going to go worldwide. Hey, how about taking the gospel worldwide? How about, hey, why is McDonald's doing a better job at reaching the world with their message than we're doing than reaching the world with ours? I mean that'd be a good goal. What if we could just get a church in every place where there's a McDonald's? I mean they'd do it for filthy lucre's sake. I mean look, if the world can figure out how to motivate people and get them motivated and mobilized to reach the world with their product, with their brand, with their whatever it is they're selling, then why can't you and I get mobilized and motivated to reach the world with the gospel? And we need your help young man. So quit messing around and start reading your Bible. Quit messing around and get faithful to soul winning. Quit messing around and get that sin out of your life and quit looking at those websites on the internet and get that sick and music out of your car. Get right with God and go do something for God. What to God? Someone would leave this mission field and say, I'm going to go take over Australia for the Lord. I'm going to go take over the Philippines for the Lord. I'm going to go take over South Korea for God. I mean I'm excited to go and reach California and capture California minus LA. I'm going to leave that for Pastor Mejia, for Christ. Then said I, here am I, send me. We need your help. We need your help. If you desire and you're not disqualified, we need you to step up because look, everything rises and falls in leadership. And think about the impact that faithful word Baptist churches had upon the world and what if we could have ten churches like this, twenty churches like this, thirty churches like this, forty, fifty, sixty churches like this, not just in the states but all over the world. We could capture, we could evangelize the entire world in our lifetime.