(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) we're against birth control which is why we have such big families around here you know so we have all these pregnant women praise the Lord because we're against birth control you say oh we're against birth control you know me these are things that maybe I should preach more often and things that you know I preached a lot about them in the early days and maybe don't bring them up a lot but look at very Baptist Church we're against birth control you say why well are you there in Isaiah chapter 7 look at verse 14 Isaiah 7 14 says this therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin there's a prophecy of Jesus a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel now this is a famous verse where Isaiah is writing a prophecy of Jesus he says behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel now this is fulfilled basically it's repeated in Matthew now I want you to notice this these words a virgin shall conceive all right a virgin shall conceive go to Matthew chapter 1 and look at verse number 23 Matthew chapter 1 and verse 23 notice how the same verse is quoted in the book of Matthew Matthew 1 23 says this behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel which being interpreted as God with us Isaiah 7 14 said a virgin shall conceive Matthew 1 23 says a virgin shall be with child you say is that a mistake a contradiction no you know when you compare Scripture with Scripture you allow the Bible to define itself what is the Bible telling us here the Bible is telling us that when a child when when a when a couple conceives that thing that's conceived in the eyes of God is a child so it's not because today they tell you no no it's a blob it's it's it's some it's an embryo it's something different becomes a human later no no no that's not what the Bible says the Bible says it's a person it's a child it's a human being from conception you say well what does that have to do with birth control look we're against birth control for the same reason we're against abortion because when it's a child is conceived once a child is conceived they're a person they're a human once there's conception it's a child let me read for you an article just real quickly from WebMD all right I'm telling you where I'm reading it from because I want you to notice I'm not getting this from some fundamentalist website all right this is just WebMD an article entitled entitled how does hormonal contraception work a woman becomes pregnant when an egg released from her ovary the organ that holds her egg is fertilized by a man's seed the fertilized egg attaches to the inside of a woman's womb that's her uterus where it receives nourishment and develops into a baby now that's their wording not my wording all right we don't believe it develops into a baby we believe it is a baby but that's what they said hormones in the woman's body control the release of the egg from the ovary called ovulation and prepare the body to accept the fertilized egg hormone contraceptives talking about things like the pill the patch the ring all contain if this is explained to you how birth control works all right they all contain a small amount of man-made estrogen and progestin hormones here there's basically three ways that it works here's number one these hormones work to inhibit the body's natural cyclical hormones to prevent pregnancy so one thing they do is they mess with your hormones in order to keep a woman from releasing an egg so there's no leg to be fertilized there's no conception no baby it says the hormonal contraceptive usually stops the body from ovulating they say it stops it from ovulating it stops it from releasing an egg 40 to 95 percent of the time the other five to sixty percent of the time an egg is released and can be fertilized all right so it's got three steps to keep someone from getting pregnant step one is to try to keep the body through messing with your hormones from releasing an egg because if the ovary doesn't release an egg there's no fertilization there's no conception no pregnancy if that doesn't work because that only works 40 to 95 percent of the time then the second way it tries to keep someone from getting pregnant is number two hormonal contraceptives also change the cervical mucus to make it difficult for the seed to go through the cervix and find an egg all right so that it makes it creates this mucus to keep to basically keep conception from happening so that the seed doesn't ever make it to the egg but in case that doesn't work here step three hormonal contraceptives can also prevent pregnancy by changing the lining of the womb so it's unlikely the fertilized egg will be implanted now here's the problem what if the egg is fertilized what if there's conception according to the Bible it's a child here's step three for the you know birth control methods using the pill and things like that is that it basically prevents the fertilized egg the conceived egg which is a child from implanting it prevents the pregnancy by changing the lining of the womb so it's unlikely that the fertilized egg will be implanted here's the problem with that that fertilized egg is already conceived it's already a child it's already alive and it needs to it needs to implant in order to receive nutrition that's where it eventually gets the umbilical cord and that's how it's fed literally if step one of keeping the egg from you know from being released doesn't work and if step two from keeping the seed of the man from reaching the egg doesn't work and and you end up with conception then step three is kill it starve it to death don't allow it to implant and get any nourishment no so listen to me if you are on birth control and you're having a physical relationship with your spouse you know five to sixty percent of the time there's a chance there that you're killing a child because a virgin shall conceive a virgin shall be with child as soon as there's conception it's a child so look if you're against abortions you ought to be against birth control and if you say well I'm against abortions but I'm not against birth control you're a hypocrite because you're doing the same thing you're taking a child that's already alive already born already have a soul already a an individual in the eyes of God and you're killing it and this is something that our IFP movement believes and that we've taught and preached from the beginning that's why you go to our types of churches you got six kids and five kids so you got seven ladies right now in our church pregnant you know we're gonna I say this all the time we're gonna grow this church one way or another you know we're gonna reach people or we're gonna make people and or we're gonna do both we're gonna reach the ones we make and I don't know what else we're gonna do we're just gonna reach him