(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) If you're going to fight, then there should be some boundaries within your fighting that you don't cross. All right? You say, what are they? Number one, never physically hit each other when you argue. Never physically hit each other when you argue. This should be a boundary that you do not cross. And obviously, if you're a man, you should never raise your hand to a woman. You should never hit a lady. You should never hit a woman. That is never acceptable. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. There will never be a circumstance that makes that an appropriate action. In fact, the only time that it's ever, that it may be appropriate to hit a woman is when that woman is a man. And obviously, we live in a different society now where you have to make that statement. But other than that, you should never hit a woman, period.