(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Talk about fighting the wrong fight. Here's a message that Michael Johnson posted somewhere on social media about Pastor Bruce Mejia. Here's what he said. Bruce Mejia is a proven liar that has been bringing railing accusations against true men of God. Who are you talking about? Oh, you? Is that what you mean? I guess how you define true men of God and how I define true men of God are two different things. Here's what he said. Bruce Mejia is a proven liar that has been bringing railing accusations against true men of God. I wouldn't stand with him or anywhere near him for that matter. Looks like the hedge of protection is gone and he's no Job. Here's what's funny about this thing is that you know who else told Job that he was no Job? Job's friends. I mean, isn't it funny? Job is just minding his own business, serving the Lord, loving the Lord, fighting the Lord's battles. Bad things happen to him and here show up his friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, and they say, Job, this is your fault. You're to blame. And then Michael Johnson gets up and says, Bruce Mejia's no Job. Pastor Mejia's no Job. It's like, here's Pastor Mejia minding his own business, loving the Lord, fighting the Lord's battles. Then his building gets blown up. And here comes Michael Eliphaz Johnson, Michael Bildad Johnson, Michael Zophar Johnson saying, it's your fault. I mean, talk about not knowing which fight to fight. What kind of a so-called Baptist preacher sides with the queers, sides with the fact, sides with the pedophiles, sides with the unnatural, bestiality against a pastor? You think you'd just be smart enough to keep your mouth shut.