(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'm going to give you a sign verse 14 therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign No, you're not going to choose a sign. Well, I'm going to give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and Shall call his name Emmanuel And we're just getting started we're in chapter 7 There's so many prophecies that are reference scriptures that are referenced back in the New Testament So we're going to get an opportunity to see these and actually if you will keep your place here Of course and flip over to Matthew chapter 1 And from the Old Testament Okay, and if you want to learn good doctrine, it's not what this sermon is about but but Here's a little a little piece of information if you want to understand how God feels about Translations of his word we can get it from his word itself because the Old Testament was recorded in Hebrew language and the New Testament in Greek by and large right I know is there make whatever but When you have quotes then in the New Testament quoting the Old Testament and Both of them are translated into English for us You're gonna find time and time again That the quotes are not word for word every single word exact matches Way more often than not they're not identical Every single word for word is exactly the same. Well, did they misquote the Bible? No No, they didn't misquote the Bible Well, why is it like that? Because those were the words the the Greek was translated Exactly the way it was supposed to be exactly the way is written that is translated Those are the words that were used the Hebrew likewise when it's translated English. Those are the words that were used That's what those words mean. That's what the the translation is. They were both acceptable and right in English But then why aren't they word for word because God's showing us now look don't get me wrong here because I believe that every word of God is true and every word of God is important and I Believe in every word of God and when we do our Bible memory, it's every word of God but here's the thing is That when it comes to God's Word and you see synonyms used God didn't have a problem with those being the quotations from the from the Old Testament to the New Testament That there was no problem when the Bible said here we're going to see and this is an important truth Obviously, I think there's things that we could learn from this and there's there's even more reason there could be even greater reasons why The Quotes were Spoken the way they were to give us some extra teaching and knowledge and I think one of those reasons is because of the fact that If you have a translation of God's Word that literally, you know The perfect example would be eternal versus everlasting that mean exactly the same thing You You know, we've seen time and time again between the old to the New Testament Old Testament that when when that happened It's still considered God's Word Now obviously you don't just go and say well, what does he what we could change? Because what would be the point of that there is no reason to do that at all And you don't want to mess with something that's already been done and it works and it's good, right? It's great and it's perfect. Not just good. I mean, it's it's it's right You So hung up Um That you're on people who even would say that that's a possibility if our language were to change Enough to warrants. Well, we need we need to have this right in the common language That's ridiculous and We can have the Bible teach us itself. I mean, are you gonna say that Matthew was wrong? because here's a Let's read it. You're in Matthew chapter 1 I'm gonna reread Isaiah 7 14 behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel Is that right? Is that a right translation? I believe it is it's in English Matthew 1 22 now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet saying Now this is a claim in the book of Matthew that The Lord spake by the prophet the prophet Isaiah and said These words behold a virgin shall be with child Shall conceive Boy must one of them must be wrong that no no No, one of them doesn't have to be wrong, but they use different words. They sure did But the quote on that passage is Say that's what God said. That's what God said. He said this is what God said Conceiving and being with child are the same thing