(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, a lot of women, especially, because women have a tendency to care a lot more about their appearance than men do. It's just the way that they're made, okay? There's nothing, you know, God made men and women different. It just is what it is. And Proverbs 31 has this whole section, the vast majority of the chapters, about the virtuous woman. And it describes all these things that the virtuous woman does. And this is a model woman, someone who's just doing all these great works and keeps herself busy and takes care of her household and her husband and does all this stuff. But you're never really getting anything about the virtuous woman and how well her hair looks and how, you know, fancy her shoes are and what, you know, that's not what you're reading about. But so many women will strive for that attention and that praise. Why? Because in the world, people exalt and praise the beautiful woman, do they not? I mean, isn't that what the Hollywood scene is all about and the fame and people being lifted up as, oh wow, look at this actress and look at this actress and this actress and oh, they're so beautiful and oh, they're so gorgeous. And, you know, they've got their perfect white teeth and they're shining and they're, you know, they're wearing all these fancy clothes and everything else just to be seen of men, just to be seen as behold the beauty, just similar to when we're reading the book of Esther. Remember in chapter one, when King Ahasuerus brings forth Vashai, just, oh, does everyone just look at how beautiful she is and just kind of putting her on display as some trophy of beauty. And again, there's nothing wrong with being beautiful. If you're a beautiful woman, you're a beautiful woman. Amen. I was lucky enough to marry a beautiful woman and I thank God for that. But here's the thing is that that's, you know, we don't want to, you don't want to get caught up in the looks because beauty is vain. What really matters and what the Bible is contrasting here is that a woman that feareth the Lord, that shall be, she shall be praised. A woman that fears God, a woman that loves God, a woman that loves the word of God, this is where the true beauty lies. This is what you ought to be focused on. Now, a lot of my sermon is going to be geared more for women, but guys, listen up, okay, because one, if you're single, this is going to help you look for the right type of woman. And ladies, if you're single, this should be, you know, is also going to help you try to find the right kind of guy. And we're going to get that again a little bit later, but I want to start off, well here, let's read verse number 31 there too. The Bible says, give her of the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates. Beauty is vain, caring for that external beauty is vain, but your works, what you do is much more representative of who you are than your appearance. Appearances can be very deceitful. You read those news stories about the perverts, right? On the appearance on the social media, they've got some, you know, you've got guys that are putting up like these appearances of women and like kids and everything else. That's their appearance. It's fake, right? You got to go a little bit deeper behind that surface level of what's being put out there. You know, this is more just in general, people, if you're interested in someone, look deeper than just their physical attractiveness. If you're looking for a spouse, if you're looking for someone to spend the rest of your time with, you have to look deeper. Because you know what's going to happen? That beauty that you see for that short term, oh wow, this person, they're so beautiful, they're so gorgeous, that's going to fade. It happens with time, okay? And it's going to happen before you know it. And if that's all you got, it's not going to last long at all. It's going to be superficial and ultimately meaningless.