(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, had you been around here in Ezekiel 22 and you just would have been like, I'll do it Lord. That could have made all of the difference in the world for Israel because that like the last verse in that chapter when he wasn't able to find anyone says, therefore if I poured out my indignation upon them I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath their own way if I recompense upon their head said the Lord God. One person could have meant the difference between God pouring out his indignation and his fiery wrath upon them and then that not happening. And even today God is looking for people, individuals to be able to stand and stand firm and fill in the gap. Look at verse number seven of 2nd Chronicles chapter 16 the Bible reads, and at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said unto him because thou hast relied on the king of Syria and not relied on the Lord thy God therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand were not the Ethiopians and the Lubims a huge host with very many chariots and horsemen yet because thou didst rely on the Lord he delivered them into thine hand. And of course Asa the background of Asa he was he started off a really good king doing the right things he trusted in the Lord and he had these great victories when they were greatly outnumbered and these huge hosts but then later in life he stops trusting in Lord he goes look into an arm of flesh and and and just completely doesn't you know kind of loses his faith so to speak and and trusting in God for their safety but and and here's where the Lord's kind of you know explaining to him hey the Ethiopians and Lubins had a huge host but you had faith and I came through for you and I delivered you as promised as you know that I will but he explained in verse 9 and this is the most important part this is a verse I really wanted to focus on teaching the same concept as in Ezekiel it says for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him here and now is done foolishly therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars. So God eyes the Bible says here they're running to and fro throughout the whole earth not just even in Israel right at this time he's not just looking at he's looking everywhere the eyes of the Lord are looking through the whole earth to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect for him he wants to find the people here that's why you know we don't believe that God's a racist we do believe that God has replaced the nation of Israel when they rejected him when they when they stopped worshiping the Lord when they turned to idols when they rejected ultimately the Lord Jesus Christ that's when God finally said you know what I'm gonna take it from you and give it to a nation producing the fruits thereof when you could find people who are gonna show themselves strong in behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him the people who want to serve the Lord he said that's who I'm gonna use he doesn't care if you're physically from the loins of Abraham or not he wants to serve he wants his people people who are born again people who are saved people who are known as his people who's gonna be faithful and who's gonna faithfully serve him and that's who he's gonna use then to show himself strong on their behalf and God likes using you know you say well I don't what do I have to offer you've got a lot you don't actually the less that you have to offer the better it is for you to be used of God because that's gonna bring even more glory unto the Lord and you know this wasn't in my notes but I'll bring this up especially because earlier you know I made the comment of if God could use someone like me to do anything then God could use you too but just a little bit of for anyone who doesn't know me that well or hasn't heard my own personal testimony you know to get to give God more glory and credit and honor for me even be able to stand up here in front of a group of people is in my opinion a miracle in itself because I've always been very shy and not good at public speaking whatsoever to the point of being physically ill if I would have had to stand in front and my wife can attest to this because I did it one time well right after we first got married at some tea party event and and I stood behind the mic and there's people there and immediately I had to go home and my guts were just killing me and I couldn't stand it it was I mean you wouldn't believe it okay and this is this is even after getting over the fears of like knocking on a stranger's door to preach the gospel because that was hard enough okay so to get from that point of fear and and you know uncomfortable as I'm not someone who is just this great order and I know I'm still not but someone to be able to stand up and even say any coherent thoughts in front of people because I was terrified of it but when you allow God to work in your life and when you're willing to say you know what I can see this in Scripture and I can see this is something that God would have me to do and and you know what I'm not that good at it God but but you know I want to do the best I can do I'll put myself out here just to say however you want to use me Lord you can use me and that's that's the power of the individual that God can use one particular individual to do a lot of great things and but you have to be willing you have to be willing to say hey I'm gonna stand in the gap I'm willing I'm willing to do this Lord I love you and I want to do this and let God use you I can't take any credit for even being able to come up here because it 100% it's God being able to to give me the boldness and to help me and prepare me to be able to do anything even being able to speak in front of a group of people