(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And I'm calling out and rebuking, by name, the people who are responsible for trying to shut down the events and succeeded in getting hotels where we are holding conferences to get us kicked out. They succeeded. They succeeded in getting us to be annoyed. They succeeded in getting us to have to move equipment and have to tell people, no, now we're meeting here. They succeeded in that, but they didn't succeed in shutting down the conference because you know what? Everyone who was scheduled to preach still preached. And they didn't succeed in stopping the soul winning because all the soul winning times that were scheduled all got met and people went out and people got saved. So all of the work and everything that was intended on being done was done anyways. So all you did was waste all of your own time. Troll, Tail Bearer, Tuttle, and Todd of the Treason Files. A lot of alliteration in the title of my sermon this morning because that's what it's called. The Trolls and Tail Bearers. Tuttle and Todd, Bob Tuttle and Todd. I don't know what his last name is. I don't care to do that much research to figure out who all these people are, but they say their names publicly. So that's who they are and they have the Reason Files is what their YouTube channel is and a website. They call it the Treason Files because basically they're just treasonous against the Lord. But that's all they are is trolls and tail bearers. Now they claim to be journalists. But really they troll channels. They troll all the new IFB stuff. And watch all of it and try to get up to date on all of it. And they claim to report facts, but they're really just tail bearers. Anybody, any slanderer, any railer who's willing to say anything against any of these churches, they're going to eat it up and then republish it and broadcast it and do whatever. And I took a little bit time quite a while ago when the first time I had heard about this at all or seen the website. I started reading through it. They claim to report the facts and be these great journalists. Their journalism sucks. Okay, it really does honestly like it's this isn't and it's not just because they're saying so they're saying stuff against you or against your friends. You know, that's why you're saying that no because I know facts. I know fat like literal facts. I know facts about people. I know facts about pastors. I know facts that are reality and I know lies and on their website all they do it. They publish a lot of lies and oftentimes it's stupid things that don't even matter one way or the other. But it just demonstrates how poorly how poor they exhibit journalism. You know why? Because they're not journalists. They're going to claim to be journalists, but they're not. They hate God. And they're just trying to confound godly people from doing a good thing. So they're going to go out and use whatever means they can to try to get people their minds ill-affected towards brethren.