(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) For more than just one group of people, okay, there's some terms that you may be able to apply Consistently exactly the same meaning all the way through but the elect or the election is not one of those terms And I think that's where a lot of people fail in their theology and in their you know in their doctrines that they come up with it is just always assuming that when the Bible talks about the elect or the election That's always just talking about the Jews Now many times it is talking about the Jews as a group as the physical nation of Israel, but that's not always The case so you really need to just take this word especially and understand the whole context of what we're looking at Before you get a full understanding of who it is and don't make any assumptions on What who the Bible is talking about because literally the word elect is just chosen Okay Now we started off in Isaiah 42 And we're going to look at verse number one and we're going to compare this with Matthew chapter 12 Because in Isaiah 42, this is a prophecy talking about Jesus Christ himself Isaiah 42 verse 1 says behold my servant whom I uphold mine elect In whom my soul delighteth I put my spirit upon him. He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles This is talking about Jesus Christ and I could prove this by if you turn to Matthew chapter 12, we'll compare this side-by-side So mine elect literally it's talking about a singular person. It's talking about Jesus Christ himself And this is by the way the first usage of the word elect in the Bible And this is also another good point to bring up because I know people always go You know use their law first mention and the first time it's used You know, it's kind of the definition all the way through not with this word I Mean it's it's it depends. Well depending Depending on how you define it, right if you just mean by chosen Great that applies perfectly consistently all the way through chosen But who is the chosen who does it apply to is determined by context, right? So the definition your definition of elect just means chosen great. That's a good definition use that all the way through it's consistent But who are the chosen who is applied to that changes on the context so Matthew 12 verse 15 the Bible says but when Jesus knew it he withdrew himself from thence and great multitudes followed him and he Healed them all and charged them that they should not make him known That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by his eyes the Prophet saying and then it's gonna quote Isaiah 42, so we just see in Matthew 12. He's doing all this stuff He's healing people and he and he makes sure that they don't say anything because now he's gonna fulfill this scripture Which is about himself verse 18 says behold my servant whom I have chosen My beloved in whom my soul is well Please I will put my spirit upon him and he shall show judgment to the Gentiles and one of the things you could also notice Here is in Isaiah 42. It says mine elect and in Matthew 12, it says whom I have chosen So it's it's using the synonyms of elect and chosen Interchangeably they're showing us that that's literally what that means and you know If you just know the English language, that shouldn't be a big deal. Anyways, very easy to see that but there we have the Bible also just kind of defining that within the you know, the the Hebrew going in English versus the Greek going in an English there and the the Quotation from the Old Testament from the Old Testament in the New Testament using Synonyms which by the way on a different point I think also exhibits How God preserves his word and to the detail and yes, we believe in every word of God I'm not up for changing words of God, but you have the same meaning coming across here exactly the same and It's still the perfect Word of God that has been translated when they're quoting Old Testament scriptures using synonyms For the words that were that were given and that and that was a very good Perfect translation. But anyway, I don't want to go down that rabbit trail and start getting into that. That's not what the sermons about But I want to point out, you know when we look at this so the first Mention of elect is literally referring to Jesus Christ. There's sometimes in Scripture you turn to John chapter 6 Where the Bible uses chosen or elect and it doesn't even always mean that the people are saved John chapter 6 verse 70 The Bible reads Jesus answered them he's talking to his disciples have not I chosen you twelve and One of you is a devil he spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon for he it was that should betray him being one of the twelve So the disciples the twelve disciples were elect they were chosen By Jesus Christ himself to be his disciples And he's saying look I've chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil one of them wasn't even saved yet. He was elect Yet he was chosen By Jesus Christ and he was chosen for a purpose Right, the disciples were chosen for a purpose the fact that they were chosen didn't just automatically mean they were all saved But they were chosen for a purpose and when it comes to the Jews, you know That is commonly called or known as God's chosen people which I'm not even completely against that terminology either because in Many contexts that is correct and true and we're going to look at that the problem I have and the reason why the main reason I'm even preaching a sermon is because people take that too far and it becomes like a Jew worship or this thought or doctrine or understanding that the Jews are some special people today that Get some special paths and special privileges by God because they're the chosen people and that's simply not true And that simply has never been true, by the way They've never just received like just all kinds of extra benefits by being physical heirs or descendants of Abraham Now God has given them a you know land and led them into promised land But we're even gonna see turn if you would to Deuteronomy chapter number nine I'm gonna read for you from 2nd Timothy chapter 2 while you're turning to Deuteronomy 9 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 10 says therefore I endure all things For the elect's sakes and this is talking about this apostle Paul He's in his just in the previous verses talking about his tribulation and things he's gone through He says I endure all things for the elect's sakes that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory so in that context When he's talking about the elect's sake he's talking about physical Jews That's who he's talking about there and like I said many times you will see that but it's not 100% of time You can't always assume that that's who he's talking about here It is yet in this context when he says for the elect's sakes. He wants them to be saved So they're elect, but they're not even saved