(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) but it doesn't mean that there aren't people that God hates and we see this here in verse number five where it says the foolish shall not say in thy sight thou hatest all workers of iniquity doesn't say thou hatest all iniquity it says I hate us all workers of iniquity it's the workers that God hates which the workers are people I mean that's literally what the Bible says so you may have heard your entire life you may have heard growing up that God only hates the sin but he loves everybody there are people that God hates and I'll tell you what there's people that when God hates someone he doesn't love them I know it sounds silly but people want to try to compartmentalize things and they say well God just loves everyone all the time and doesn't hate anyone there's no hate in God well no it's because people have taken hate to too far of an extreme as far as it being like always a bad thing now we aren't supposed to be hateful people that should not characterize who we are however there is a time to hate like the Bible says in Ecclesiastes there's a time to love and a time to hate there's a time for everything there's a season for everything and a purpose and we need to understand what that is the Bible says here he hates all workers of iniquity look at verse number six thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing and I remember last week I told you leasing this means lying it's just an older word that just means lying those people that speak lies the Lord look at the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man abhor is a pretty strong word for hatred it means God really hates the bloody and deceitful man doesn't say God will abhor the murder God will abhor the murderer the man you cannot ignore this scripture if you believe that the book of Psalms is inspired of the Holy Ghost that this is the Word of God we have to deal with this it has to all make sense it can't contradict the other thing God's Word doesn't contradict itself so if you have a belief if you have a belief system that tells you well God would never hate anybody because God is love but you believe in the inspiration of the of God's Word you believe that it's this is the Word of God God doesn't contradict himself you that you have a contradiction and if you just think that God cannot hate well because we see people God hating that God hates in this passage and this isn't the only one now I highlight I got some notes here and I did a word study all the places in the Bible that refer to workers of iniquity because who the people are that are being referred to that God hates is important God doesn't just love someone hate them love them hate them love them hate them like just just back and forth and back and forth and back and forth God loves all of his children first and foremost I'll tell you that much if you're born again God loves you now God may get angry with you God may have to chastise you and punish you and discipline you but God does not hate you when you're born again but there are people that God hates and we have to understand when we look at the Bible try to figure out well who is he talking about here who is it that God really hates well I didn't I don't have every reference in my notes here I'm not gonna go through every single one of them you can do that on your own if you want I only pulled out some of them but none of them are contradictory so the ones I don't reference here it's not like they're saying something just completely different but check it out for yourself I'm gonna read these for you don't have to turn to them all if you want to flip ahead there's a few in Psalms I'm gonna turn to you flip up to Psalm 14 I'm gonna read from from Job 31 job 31 verse 3 the Bible says it's not destruction to the wicked and a strange punishment to the workers of iniquity so a strange place not a normal punishment as a strange punishment is given to the workers of iniquity and and some of a lot of these are just gonna reference judgment and punishment workers iniquity not necessarily going in depth into who they actually are but the reason I'm going into this is to show you when God is referring to when the Bible is referring to workers of iniquity it's it's not just your average unsaved person or saved person this is talking about a specific type or group of people here that are categorized as workers of iniquity and it'll become more apparent as we start seeing all these various places where it's used that's like yeah this is definite there's a common theme here in a common thread being referred to these workers of iniquity Psalm 14 verse 4 the Bible reads have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge who eat up my people as they eat bread and call not upon the Lord so obviously they're we can see they're not saved they don't call upon the Lord but on top of that it says they're eating up my people as they eat bread I mean that's one of the attributes here of people that hate God's people and are just out to destroy God's people this is an attribute now this one attribute doesn't mean that if somebody hates God's people that automatically they're this reprobate that falls in this category of a worker of iniquity that that God hates forever now I will go as far as to say this too though is that the wrath of God abides on people prior to being saved even if they're still savable right so you think about someone like Saul of Tarsus who persecuted the church right he wasn't a reprobate he wasn't rejected but God hated him when he was persecuting the church and was you know doing everything he did he didn't just hate his sin he hated what he was doing but yes but but he hated him but he still he didn't he didn't utterly hate him and reject him and cast him out forever right because he was still able to find grace in the eyes of the Lord because he did it in unbelief he did it ignorantly unbelief