(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Where does your faith come from? My faith came by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Where did your faith come from? What do you believe in? God's got a special message for the preachers that preach out of their own heart. That's where Jeremiah 23 comes in. But let's keep reading here through Isaiah chapter 30. So he's saying, one of the rebellious children says they're taking counsel or advice but not from God. They're going to Egypt. They're not looking, seeking the Holy Spirit. They're adding sin unto sin, as verse one says. It says, therefore, shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, in verse three, the trust and the shadow of Egypt, your confusion for his princes were at Zoan. And look, when you go to the world, as Christians, you want to have your hand in the world and say, go, oh, well, we're going to follow what's politically correct, and that's going to save us, right? Then we'll still have our church. You know what's going to come back and bite you. The people who want to try to stay politically correct right now, you know what? That might extend the time before they come and attack you, but they're going to come and attack you because they're God haters. So you want to compromise on the things that you teach and preach about now. You want to toe the line and try to be politically correct and as inclusive as possible. It's only a matter of time before they turn on you, too. And it's going to come and just destroy you. But here's the thing. Us who don't compromise, we won't be destroyed. You will be. The bunch of compromisers and the stinking phonies out there that just want to toe the line and just go the way of the world, they'll be chewed up and spit out. And you know what? Good riddance. You're not going to stand on the word of God and have no backbone and no integrity to preach what needs to be preached, then good riddance. But it's going to come after you, too. People need to make a choice of what they're going to do. You're going to claim to believe in the Bible. You're going to claim to believe in Jesus Christ. You claim to believe in the Lord, then why don't you just accept the whole Bible for what it says? And these are not personal interpretations. Well, that's just your interpretation. You know what? It's what the Bible says. It's what the Bible. Anyone with reading comprehension 101 can read a book and see what it says. Okay? The things that make people angry are not interpretations. When we look to God's law and we literally read the passages that say things like if a man also lie with a mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. There is no interpretation needed about that. What's the interpretation? Man lies with man the same way that a man would lie with a woman. Abomination, death penalty. That's your interpretation. That's not my interpretation. That's what it says. And that makes people angry. Who are they angry with? You could be angry at me for saying it, but this isn't coming out of my heart like as if I'm the one, the source of this. It's in my heart. I love this, but it's not from me. I didn't write this. This has been around for much longer than me. This is the same book that talks about God is love. This is the same book that talks about Jesus being the Savior. This is the same book, but you know what? You've got to take the whole thing. This is the word of God. And you could go on and on in Leviticus 20 and continue to have people freaking out and getting upset about the things that you say, but these things in the law, the reason why they're in the law, God's law is not meant to just have all these interpretations. It's meant to be clear. A good law will be clear inherently because you don't want people going, well, I don't know. Is this right? Is this wrong? No, this is right and this is wrong and this is the penalty and that's it. It's a bottom line. Law is meant to be clear.