(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Bible says it has a story in second second Samuel chapter 13 of Amnon Amnon had a friend that caused them to do very famous famous passage caused him to do something extremely wicked Where am non probably wouldn't have done? Something as wicked as he ended up doing but it's his friend that influenced him the Bible says in second Samuel 13 1 and it came to pass after this at Absalom the son of David had a fair sister whose name was Tamar and Amnon the son of David loved her and Amnon was so vexed that he fell sick for his sister Tamar for she was a virgin and Amnon thought it hard for him to do anything to her. So Amnon has this this emotion he feels love for his sister, which he shouldn't have And he knows he shouldn't have it and it's why I say he thought it hard for him to do anything to her He's not gonna actually act on it. He knows it's wrong He's been taught that it's wrong, but he has this feeling but he's like, you know what? I don't think I could do anything about this because it's not right But then steps in Amnon's friend verse number three But Amnon had a friend whose name was John Adab the son of Shimea David's brother and John Adab was a very subtle man He's sneaky. He's subtle. He's able to influence Amnon to do a really wicked thing and to take his sister and to act out what he knew was wrong Which he probably wouldn't have done at all if it wasn't for his friend's influence Now the fact that he's subtle is very telling because he didn't outwardly just seem like a wicked person He probably had some stuff in common with Amnon. He became buddy-buddy with him But because he's subtle he's able to kind of sneak in and just influence him at the right time To cause him to do something that he normally wouldn't do So watch out For your friends people people look you take after people whether you realize it or not There's so many So many ways that this is true. And like I said, it may not always be for something bad Kind of a funny story in my life and I probably I might have told this before already here. I'm not sure When I was much younger, I worked in a hospital and I worked in the in the cookie in the in the cafeteria on the food line and where the hospital was is in Chicago and I worked with with a lot of black people Okay, and the common language there was way different than what I speak what I'm used to and you know The the everyone who's familiar with Ebonics Okay that that like I'm not trying to be offensive here But the the the the culture the way that that people were talking there Was way different and and just just the language and in the way that people spoke, you know, I started speaking Like the people around me I know it's kind of funny because if you're gonna look at me and then you hear the way I start talking you'd be like whoa His white boys saying things that That doesn't sound like the way it should look but um That's just a result of being around people for extended periods of time You know you pick up phrases you pick up things, you know things that people will say I didn't until I moved out to Arizona I never said right on Never one time not coming from Chicago It's not something that's used but the more you spend time out in other areas and around certain people you pick up different things Look, those might be some silly examples Okay, but it's a fact of who we are as people just socially when you're around other people you are gonna pick up things about them and We need to be on guard about that in general in life Especially as you're out in the world, you know, we have to be out in the world. You have to work I have to watch for this now at my secular job. I mean The vast majority of people in my work. They're not they're not, you know, fundamental Baptist Christians. I don't know if anyone else is but The thing that they talk about the things that they joke about, you know Those aren't things that I want to let myself get wrapped into So should I go off and just start making best buddies with these unsaved people that just Just live eat breathe and sleep the world No, if I do guess what's gonna happen? I'm gonna start getting into the same stuff that they're into it's going to happen The friends that you choose to have are gonna cause you to some degree to go the direction that they're going It's going to happen. So be careful with who you choose to allow into your life You