(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And, you know, some of the common reasons why people, why one is to get out of trouble, right? And even from a young age, you learn how to tell lies so you don't get in trouble. Hey, were you throwing a ball in the house? No. Why is the vase broken? I don't know. Why is the ball laying right by it? I don't know. You don't want to get in trouble, because you know you weren't supposed to be doing something, and then you did it anyways, you did something that's going to potentially get you caught, you broke something, you did something, you don't want to get in trouble, so you lie about it, and you say, nope, didn't do it. That's a lie. I mean, that applies. It's not only kids that do that, by the way. I mean, how about on the job, or at home, or any, I mean, so many different things you might be doing that you know you shouldn't be doing, and someone is about to catch you doing it. No, no, I didn't do it. Or they start to see some evidence that you were doing something you shouldn't have been doing. Nope. And you know, lying is oftentimes another way that people add sin upon sin. You'd be guilty of doing something else, and a loved one, a family member, someone else, starts to see this and say, hey, wait, you know, honey, were you... No. Be careful with the lying. Don't add more sin on whatever else might be going on. Because what happens is that when you start telling lies, then you've got to start telling more lies to cover up those other lies, and it ends up getting out of control. Because especially when people start asking you, you think, oh, I'll just tell this one lie, and then they won't ask me any more questions. Well, then they start asking you more questions, and now you've got to start digging deeper into that ditch of, well, how many lies are you going to tell? It's crazy. And you know, there's some people that lie all the time, habitual liars, and if you ever talk to people, oftentimes the vagrants, the panhandlers on the street, they're just begging for money. You ask them a story, they'll tell you lie upon lie upon lie upon lie, and they can do it without batting an eye often. Oh, yeah, I just, you know, I just ran out of gas, you know, I'm between here and Fort Lauderdale, and I need to get there, and, you know, I made it down. When did you get here? Well, I just got here two weeks ago. You know, it's like, why do you have a Georgia driver's license? You said you're from another state. You just got here? Oh, yeah, but here's what, you know, and there's always this explanation, always other reasons. It's like, stop lying. Stop lying. And people get so used to that, and I think of an example particularly, I was talking to someone and giving a gospel to them, and they were real receptive on many different things, and I wasn't even thinking about the lying thing because I just, it's just something that I use, like I said before, when I'm preaching the gospel, because everyone does it, just show people, yeah, I'm guilty of lying, of course, right? So, if you, you know, you don't have these other sins that are, that are worse or whatever, but like, hey, I told a lie, then this person started arguing with me about like, oh, I mean, I don't think it's that bad. It's the same person that was, that was telling me lies about their story and asking for money. And it clicked later on. I sort of thought back about it. I was like, well, that's why he was giving me, because early on, before I kind of knew more about what he was about, it's like, why is, like, you almost never have people really giving you that hard of a time about lying, but the reason why people give you that hard of a time is because they're guilty of it. And you're not even thinking about that, because most people, I mean, yeah, you tell lies, and you're going to admit you've told lies, but it's not that huge of an issue. We're just going to say, you know, try to defend yourself, but people who are the most guilty are the ones that want to defend themselves and justify themselves the most. So, the reason why people tell lies, you know, getting out of trouble is a real common one. Getting people to like them or follow them, tell people what they want to hear, right? I mean, even just, just social peer pressure, people say, oh, are you into this? Oh, yeah, yeah, you know. Trying to make yourself sound smarter than you are. Try to impress people. People lie. There's so many reasons why people lie. And seriously, think about it, because if you're bearing a false witness, you're lying. Even on the job, if someone assumes you know something, or like asks you, hey, have you ever heard of this? You know this? And you say, yeah. And you didn't, and you don't know anything about that, you're lying. And you say, oh, what is it? Harm? Well, what hurt does it do? Look, you're bearing a false witness, and God said not to do it. God said, don't do it. Have integrity. Be honest.