(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And this is what is is being prophesied that's going to happen in Isaiah chapter 8 saying hey This place is getting dark and people are cursing God people are blaming the king They're not looking at themselves But you know what the people that walked in darkness have seen a great Light they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death upon them at the light shine. Let's go back to Isaiah 9 verse number 3 I Have a lot to go through tonight, and I'm going to try to go through as quickly as possible I might have to skip over a few things for sake of time because there's one particular passage the most famous passage Isaiah 9 6 that I'm going to spend quite a bit of Time on in just a few minutes here because it's extremely important I want to give a proper explanation on that verse just so that there is clarity for everybody here since they're you know Relatively recently there's been so you know people who have been spreading confusion on This issue, but let's keep reading verse number 3 the Bible reads Dallas multiplied the nation and not increased the joy They joy before thee according to the joy and harvest and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil for that has broken the yoke of his burden and The staff of his shoulder the rod of his oppressor as in the day of Midian This is the I think this is continuing with this prophecy of Jesus Christ who's shining the light being one who breaks the yoke of his burden right his yoke is easy and Your burden is light, and you know carrying around that that sin burden and that sin punishment of death and hell and You know trying to obey the law to keep yourself. You know to get to be saved or anything like that. That's a big burden It's big because no one can carry that burden We're not capable of being able to live perfectly to avoid hell because we're all sinners And and you have that burden everyone has that every sinner is that burden hanging over their head But the moment you get saved when you when you receive the light when you see the light When the light is preached unto you and you receive that that burden is lifted off your shoulders What a great burden that is that's lifted What a great feeling it is add that that yoke and that burden removed from you because you've received salvation It says for that was broken yoga is burned the staff of his shoulder the rod of his oppressors in the day of Midian For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise and Garments rolled in blood, but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire verse 6 for unto us a child is born unto us a son is Given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace now Obviously, this is a reference to Jesus Christ widely accepted in Christianity I think everywhere if you're not if you can't accept this as being a prophecy of Jesus Christ and you shouldn't even call yourself a Christian because I Haven't heard of anyone disputing this passage at all on the prophetical nature of it talking about Jesus Christ being the child that's born and the government shall be upon his shoulder now an interesting fact here the word Government is not found in Scripture very many times the word government is actually only found four times in the Bible twice in this chapter is the word government used Once in chapter 22 of Isaiah, and I'm going to get there a little bit later So just just keep that in mind, which is also a reference with Jesus Christ, but the reason I'm bringing all this up is because The other place that it talks about this out of these three times in Isaiah It's brought up once in 2nd Peter chapter 2 that talks about how reprobates despise government They despise government, and you know people say well. I don't really like the government right well That's not the same thing that's not the same government that is talking about now on the one end You can say yes, it is. I mean the you know reprobates. I think don't like they don't like being governed at all But They also like to use government and use a power like big bullies to try to silence everyone else But the government they really don't like and the one they really despise. It's not the human government It's Jesus's government. It's it's the government that comes from God It's the law that comes from the Lord that's what the reprobate despises and it says they despise government It's talking about God governing their lives because they're wicked Sinful people that one have nothing to do with the law of the Lord