(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) when you read the book of Leviticus especially when it's talking about in chapters like 17 18 19 20 and it's going over the the different aspects of the law and the penalties and especially when it gets to the death penalty crimes it says that the the people of the land heathen of land had done all of those things and that's why God's bringing his judgment against them and that's why they needed to all just be eliminated exterminated because of how grievous their sins were and how wicked they had become and as a result of Israel not being able to expel the inhabitants of the land and them remaining among them they they they stayed like a cancer and spread their filth among the children of Israel which is why God wanted them gone he was wanted to start to know you are my people you're supposed to be sanctified and set apart and different and when you allow this wickedness to stay in it's gonna grow and that's why I think we see a lot of wickedness just kind of concentrated in this area with the idolatry with the the valley of the Son of Aham and all the the false God worship that was going on there and the child sacrifices and then also it says here so in Judges 1 21 turn if you would the first Kings chapter 14 I just want to see you I want you to see a passage there first Kings 14 in Judges 1 21 the children of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites that inhabited Jerusalem and remember we just saw that Jebus is later going to be called Jerusalem so the city of Jebus the Jebusites that later on after they're finally conquered that becomes Jerusalem but it says the children of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites that inhabited Jerusalem but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Benjamin in Jerusalem unto this day that was back in Judges chapter 1 and this wicked event that happens is this the children of Benjamin that that commit this atrocity in this passage it's not it's not a surprise that the Jebusites were dwelling among them during this time and and obviously having influence on them now driving out these wicked people are driving out sodomites is something that's necessary for the preservation of the land and I say preservation I mean the preservation of of an area if you want something to remain then you need to drive out the sodomites we see this you know we're reading judges chapter 19 and I'm not going to go through all of the parallels but it's uncanny how many parallels are between judges 19 and Genesis 19 Genesis 19 is a story a story of Sodom and Gomorrah and when you read through the way that things happen you've got strangers come into town in both situations in both situations they're gonna spend the night in the street you say well no one's taking us in so we're just gonna stay out here in both situations you've got one person one godly person saying no no no no you can't stay here come in and lodge with me I'll put you up and in both stories you've got the wicked people surrounding the house banging on the door and looking to defile the man or men that have come into the city we're seeing two witnesses in God's Word it's not a coincidence that there are so many similarities God is showing us truth this is reality the television set may try to trick you the media and you know the the world at large is going to try to deceive you into thinking that sodomites really aren't that bad I don't know why you have such a problem with them oh man you must be some closet homosexual because you have to look no I want the land to be preserved I want to be able to stay living here the reason why Sodom and Gomorrah were burnt to the ground is because there were not five righteous in the land in the city there was not five that were righteous God would have spared all of Sodom if there could find five or ten people just a handful of people that's not many an entire city you know what there was lot maybe one of his children I don't know probably not it's probably just lot so God took him out to destroy all of Sodom and Gomorrah why because they were sodomites that's where the name sodomite comes from and it's not just because they lived in Sodom it's because of what they did that labels them sodomites that's why as we're gonna read here in 1st Kings 14 look Sodom's already been long destroyed at this point yet it's still referring to sodomites it's not calling them sodomites because they were from Sodom their ancestors from so look they all got burned up and destroyed there's no more ancestors from Sodom it's because of what they did