(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Basically why we don't have to worry about our enemies because God's on the throne God's judging He's gonna right every wrong and he's gonna make sure that hey the people who are oppressed They're gonna be helped out and the people who are wicked are going to receive for their wickedness So I'm just gonna start off with that real base basic brief overview of Psalm 9 but let's dig in now and and just kind of look at you know tears apart a little bit and look at some of these verses and Some of the verses kind of stand alone as well as being Obviously in context with the rest of the psalm and that very first psalm there says I will praise thee O Lord with my whole Heart I will show forth all Thy marvelous works and this is just setting the tone for the psalm of just saying you know How much he's gonna praise God we're gonna praise God with my whole heart And this is something that I think we need to remind ourselves of that when we're praising the Lord Especially praising the Lord in song as we're just singing praise him praise him Jesus our blessed redeemer Right we sing songs we're praising to the Lord But are you praising God with your whole heart is your heart in it? Are you just mouthing words? Are you just doing what the saw you know? Well, this is what we do we come in and we sing some songs And is that your attitude or are you literally praising the Lord with song because that's the point The point isn't it come in and check off a box and say yeah, I sung three songs I sung four songs today, and you know I did my duty to the Lord the point when we sing the song is to praise God and Sing forth the praises and and Exalt his holy name and we pick songs for a reason and we six pick songs on purpose It's not just any random song we like the doctrine in the songs We like the songs like praise him praise, and they're just gonna glorify the name of the Lord and when we sing you know I Understand that as people we are creatures of habit, and you can fall into routines And it's easy to do that, but we need to continually remind ourselves. Hey, we ought to be what am I doing right now? We're saying hey, let's praise God Let's think about the words and feel the words and sing them out from the heart So that you could actually mean what you're singing about. I mean think about singing in general What what is it that would just make you sing it would just prompt you to start singing and praising You got to be thinking about something that's gonna have an impact on you, right I mean people don't just you know when I'm just working on a computer at work I'm don't just all of a sudden break into song right. It's not like a musical on the job I'm not that into it and that excited, but you know when things happen that make you really excited that really stir you up You know maybe you will start singing you know so you get real joyful about something well We ought to be like that with the Lord And have that joy of the Lord in our hearts So that we can praise him with our whole hearts And the only way we're gonna be able to do that is by being mindful of the Lord in our lives that even though we can't physically see a being see an entity to physically relate to We know he's there We know he's there, but we have to keep him in our thoughts By Meditating on his word by you know always thinking on things by prayer by singing as Part of your daily life not just something that you do at church Something that ought to be continual be praising him with your whole heart We have so many reasons to praise the Lord. I mean think about all the reasons You can't you can't you can't even talk about it without talking about our salvation right because that's the number one Most important reason to us that hits hits home the closest salvation from hell and eternity of hell Jesus Christ dying on the cross for us, but there's so much more than just that That is enough That's enough for you know eternity to praise the Lord for his mercy and his long-suffering And by giving us a free gift of salvation and saving our souls from utter destruction That's that is in and of itself Plenty to praise the Lord for but thank God there's so much even more than just that All of the mercies all of the blessings all of the great things that God is and does For us it's not like God has to do anything for us. Where is creation yet? God still does things for us He still hears us. We know that whatsoever. We ask the Lord he here with us amen