(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) When wisdom enterth into thine heart and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul and look Your flesh may not really care about getting smarter and getting intelligence and wanting to do things. I Get it. It's a labor. It's a work. It's it's not as fun as You know just reading a book or going on a bike ride or going and you know doing some planning some other fun. I get it But you're gonna have to if you can see the value If you can hear people who have wisdom whether they be alive and in your life right now or like from the Word of God and You're willing to put your trust in that and say you know what? I'm young if you could have enough maturity young people to say I know I'm young I'm gonna recognize that I'm gonna recognize that there are people who are way older that have a lot of experience and especially Something as old as the Bible and coming from the Word of God to say I'm gonna trust this I'm actually gonna test this out and You're gonna have to be committed to it I'm gonna try to change my heart to allow wisdom to enter into my heart and that that knowledge is gonna be pleasant to my soul and I'm gonna want to learn and And I'll tell you what it may take time. It's gonna take quite a bit of time It's not an overnight thing, but just like anything that's good and worth doing It has to do you just have to be consistent you're gonna have to fight your flesh and Gain these desires, but I'll tell you what with enough time you will be thankful for the knowledge that you receive and I'll tell you this much The knowledge that I've gained through the Word of God Because I still have a secular job. I still work out in this world. I Have gained so much insight Into how people work and into how things work and how the world works Well how the world works through the Word of God? Through the Word of God through the Bible through all the stories are all the things because people are still the same and people ultimately behave the same and people have the same characters and and and you start to learn these things and I'll tell you what it really helps It helps in the difficult situations to be able to recognize and spot the patterns and be like oh wow I know where this is going and to help keep yourself out of bad situations or to be able to provide good Counsel in bad situation and be like no you know what this guy this isn't really good here. I mean being able to Spot the signs of a psychopath Was pretty helpful for me It didn't take that long at first. I would you know there's someone I worked with and I was just like At first I didn't see anything and then it was like you know a guy was kind of charming and Ended up deceiving a lot of people, but then I was just like whoa this isn't this isn't right and I pegged it And look these things help you they helped me They helped me and then how I deal with people and how I dealt with him specifically and in a manner different ways But I'm telling you The impact is gonna be throughout your whole life Like like it really the wisdom really does help you moving forward But you have to learn We don't live in a matrix where you can you know plug in and Download all this knowledge into your brain, and then it's just there Right you can't go to bed with the Bible on your pillow and be like okay Wait let me put on this side, so it sinks down into my brain. It doesn't work You have to read you have to you have to study you have to you have to devote time to it and especially when we're talking about children parents you got to invest the time in teaching them these things and Hey Life is hard. There's a lot of there's a lot of time that you don't have especially when you're raising children Because that's why I could be working even more. There's a lot more things done at the house There's so many other distractions, but wait a minute don't forget your priorities Don't Forget your priorities what matters more you know having the floor swept or having your children with an education What matters more now? Hey? I say let's get it all done Do it all but when push comes to shove You still have to make the priority and make the decision and make sure that you're not just losing all the time of being able to teach your children