(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And here's the other thing, too. When it comes to determining what's legitimate and what's not, you know, obviously the Bible spells out how to do things and and there are certain doctrines I'll hold to us that this is what's right and this is how you do things, but it doesn't mean that churches couldn't have started in an incorrect way, but still be considered legitimate churches in God's eyes, right? Just because things weren't done the way, exactly the way, that He is going to tell you it has to be, it doesn't necessarily mean that, you know, and obviously we're gonna say, no, it needs, you know, things, if we're gonna start a church or do anything, we're gonna do things according to the Bible, but if you're gonna look back into history, you know, you can't just say, well, they just aren't because of whatever and come up with with extra biblical reasons or just using logic to deduce. One of the things that we saw when we went through our list of churches in the book of Revelation was that they had a lot of problems, yet they were still considered to be legitimate churches. I mean, one even had a prophetess Jezebel, right, that was causing people to commit fornication, real bad problems in the church, and they were still considered legitimate church in God's eyes, but I mean, you know, but the Bible says I suffer not a woman to teach, but to be in subject, you know, it's like, yeah, I know, I agree, and that's wrong, but here's a church that had a female preacher and I had a, you know, and they were still considered a legitimate church in God's eyes. I mean, they were. Now, they're about to lose their candlestick, but, so you get what I'm saying here, we can't be, you got to be able to look at evidence like that and say, let's not be so strict of going back and be like, well, you need to have this perfect pedigree or else God's not even considering a church, and this also, what a lot of it stems from, is what I call Baptist brideers, is their totally incorrect understanding of the marriage, you know, the marriage feast of the Lamb and just who the bride of Christ is in Scripture, and what they'll say is that other people can be saved as the other believers, but you're not gonna be, you know, have your special position if you weren't, you know, baptized by a person who's had the hands laid on by this person, by this person, that can trace it back to the apostles, right, that you need to have that, otherwise it's not legitimate, and you need to be in a church that could trace its root, you know, and they're real strict on that type of a thing, and they'll say that, you know, basically it's the, it's the we're the only true church mentality, which is a very, another dangerous area to get into when you've got a church who's saying, well, I mean, the Catholic church, we're the only true church, the Mormons, we're the only true church, right, but you know, we're not gonna hear what it said here, we're the only true church, because I don't believe that. Now, the church is, that I think teach the closest to what's right and biblical and accurate are gonna be independent fundamental Baptist churches, that's what I believe, but it doesn't mean there aren't any other churches out there that are also legitimate churches in God's eyes, teaching good doctrine with saved people in it, because I don't believe that that's, that it's only independent, you know, but you're gonna have your best bet, try, you know, finding independent fundamental Baptist churches, and that's been my experience, and that's what I believe, but I don't think that we've got the corner on the truth and being a legitimate church, so when you, when you hear these people saying it, you got, you got to be careful, because that leads you down some very weird doctrinal paths where you have no alternative, because if you're part of the only true church, and this is what the only true church is saying, now, now you've just completely closed off any alternative to, to, well, what, you know, is this right, and challenging what's being said, well, this is the one true church, so this must be right, and that kind of gives them their own credibility and authority as saying, well, if you can instead, like, if it, I mean, this is a classic cult leader type of a move, is convincing people that you are in the one true church, because then you could get away with a lot more, that's, that's a point I'm trying to get across here, is that that's the mentality that follows of just saying, well, we've already proven to you that we are the legitimate right church, because we set up what it takes to be, you know, the legitimate true church, we met, we checked all the boxes, so now what we say is true, and what other people say are lies, and you can't use that as your authority, you have to use the Bible as your authority for everything, for everything, and be able to challenge your beliefs, no matter, you know, no matter who holds other beliefs, and determine what's true based on what the Bible says, not on what history says, not on what who's saying it says, but what this word says.