(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Accept the Bible for what it says and if Jesus Christ said whosoever put away his wife and married another commit adultery and whosoever married her that's put away from her husband commit adultery. We ought to take those words seriously and if you want your marriage to last and If you want to do things the way that God's Word says and you want God's blessing upon your marriage Don't be looking for someone that is already divorced. I Would say the one exception as if someone got divorced but then their spouse has already died Because in a sense then they would be widowed and then they'd be free to marry whom they will only in the Lord that would be a case where you could probably do that, but Deciding on marrying someone is a big deal This is not a choice to be made flippantly or for the wrong reasons because again, you're considering someone that you're gonna live with Living with someone spending all your time with you, you know, you need to love that person you need to care for that person You know, we need to be careful what you know a lot of people have I've met people that maybe their aspiration is to be a pastor and the Bible says and in first Timothy that the that the bishop is to be the husband of one wife and that he's supposed to Rules on house. Well, and he has children, you know, and there's these qualifications and they're thinking well I just want to get married because I want to be a pastor someday. Well That's great that you want to you know, if you desire the office of a bishop the bow says you desire a good work but don't just go and marry somebody and make that vow unless you're Serious and seriously committed that person you love that person It's someone you do want to spend the rest of your life with and you're not just trying to check off a box So that you can go ahead and and do whatever other thing or people do that to get visas in the country do other thing You know, whatever there's all kinds of different reasons why people you know to get benefits from the government Oh, I just want to have less taxes or something and people end up getting married Look, that's the wrong reason Now it may be beneficial it may help you it may be a goal You may want to get married because you want to have a family you want to have a spouse. That's great Look for a spouse then but just understand that this is a life long decision that you are making and You have to have the attitude that once you're married you stay married until one of you is dead That is what you are committing to and that's what you're getting into You have to find someone has the right Priorities and values and this is so I'm going to get into finding a wife and finding a husband just a minute But the the basics for either finding a husband or a wife you need to find someone who's saved You need to find someone who's not divorced and someone who's a godly person Someone who loves God's Word someone who loves the Bible and has their priorities and their values that line up with yours Because priorities and values will determine all the major decisions that you're gonna make in the future When you decide what you're gonna do where you're gonna live where you're gonna go to church where you know all these Lifelong decisions that's gonna be based off of what you believe. What's in your heart? What's driving that? What do you care about? What do you prioritize? Someone who's just real greedy and all they care about is money and they have a love of money where the Bible says the love of Money is the root of all evil. Well, guess what? They're gonna be making all their decisions based on money. Oh I can't go to church today because I have to work. Oh, I can't do that You know, I can't read my Bible. I got too much work to do. I got all this other stuff to do I'm trying to make money and if you marry someone like that, you're not gonna be very happy