(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Bible says wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body. Is that the way the world thinks today? I'm not explaining this passage we're reading it. You come up with your own understanding. Do you see how if you just read the Bible there's no explanation really needed. Do you know who needs to provide the the extra explanation on this? Are the people who want to undo what this is just saying when you read it. That's where the extra explanations have to come in and say well when it says this it really means something different. Watch out for people who teach the Bible that way. When you could read something very plain in English and then someone tells you what that really means. No it really means what it really says. That's it. Let's keep reading verse number 24. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Some people if they hear this are gonna be fuming and I don't have to say anything. I'm reading God's Word but you know what God's Word offends people. This isn't Passover's opinion. We're reading Bible this morning. It already offends and this is you're gonna tell me that this isn't under attack in the culture that we have today in the United States of America. This is under attack. This concept this view of the family of a wives role and a husband's role in the family is under attack. In fact people think that I'm nuts because I try to live this way because my wife tries to live this way because this is the authority that we take in our home in our family but you know what this is the right way. This is the true way and if you want to have a happy marriage you should follow this advice. You will be blessed by God by falling into the role that he created for you man or woman. Verse 25 husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it. Wow there's some real bad advice huh? How about in Titus chapter 2? You flip over to Titus chapter 2. I'm gonna read from 1st Timothy chapter 5 while you're turning to Titus 2. 1st Timothy chapter 5 verse 14 says I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after Satan. I will. Will means want. I wonder what God's will is for my life. Well if you're a younger woman 1st Timothy 5 14 I think I think it's a pretty good place to start. I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion the adversary to speak reproachfully. Let's look at Titus chapter 2 verse number 3. Again this whole passage chapter 2 you can read all of this is talks the aged men, the aged women, the younger men, the younger women and it gives instruction for everybody but let's look at the aged women verse number 3. The aged women likewise that they be in behavior has become as holiness not false accusers not given a much wine teachers of good things and then it tells us what things that they should be teaching. Look at verse number 4 that they may teach the young women to be sober okay is that a bad thing being sober no I think that's a pretty good thing to love their husbands oh yeah that's a terrible thing right there love your husbands but I'll tell you what in the feminist culture that we have today that tells you oh no I'm gonna do whatever I want to do and I was gonna tell me anything that's why it says you need to teach the younger women to love their husbands and not just to love their husbands to love their children look at verse number 5 to be discreet knowing what things you ought to say and what things you ought not to say be it having discretion right you don't just open up your mouth and just talk about everything publicly or whatever you are discreet you're discreet with your actions you're discreet with your words chased okay pure chase keepers at home what does it mean to be a keeper at home well if you're at home where are you you're at home there's a location and if you're a keeper you are keeping the home right so what does it mean to keep the home I know again this is real complicated I know this is so hard to understand the Bible isn't it to be a keeper at home means you're a homekeeper you're a home maker is another way that we understand that word you are running everything that needs to be done in the home oh there's some cleaning that needs to be done over here oh there's some cooking there's some kids that need to this is what a keeper at home does and the Bible teaches that the older women ought to teach this to the younger women that this is what you need to do keeper at home good oh wait a minute watch out maybe we should skip this next section because you know the common culture doesn't want to hear that so we'll censor the Word of God and actually not say that out loud because someone might get upset oh wait no I forgot where we are we actually love the Bible we love God's Word and we love all of it obedient to their own husbands is that hard to understand the word obedient means obedient it means that they are submissive it means that the husband is in charge and that the wife is to be obedient yes I'm expounding this passage this isn't Ephesians chapter 5 okay I said I wasn't gonna expound that passage and I didn't it says be obedient your own husbands obedient that's where the word obey comes from I didn't write this book I believe God did and because I believe God did I'm gonna treat it as such I'm not gonna allow my own thoughts or oh man I don't like the way that that sounds hey if that's the way that I felt about this then I would have to change because I would be wrong because this is the way that God thinks about this you