(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Leviticus 26 is a whole list of of these curses and repercussions for the people the children of Israel not obeying God's commandments. He gives blessings and cursings right near the end of the law and he says okay here if you follow my laws I'm gonna bless you you're gonna you know your enemies are gonna flee from you you're gonna live in safety you're gonna have you know this prosperity and and I'm gonna be your God you're gonna be my people know you know and everything is gonna work out great and and and you know he lists off all the various blessings but then in verse 14 where we're gonna start reading in Leviticus 26 he says but if you will not hearken unto me and will not do all these commandments and if you shall despise my statutes or if your soul abhor my judgments don't get angry at God when he brings judgment don't get angry at God for his judgments that he gives us in the Old Testament Oh Christian that wants to ignore the Old Testament and God's law and you want to hate that God has a death penalty on so many things you want to hate the actual judgment that God says is righteous for people transgress his law you know how about you read Leviticus 26 of what God's gonna do when you don't do the commandments when you despise the statutes when your soul abhors my judgment so that you will not do all my commandments but that you break my covenant I also will do this unto you and look this isn't talking about your soul being saved when he gives a law on Leviticus 26 so we're going to talk about the New Covenant the Old Covenant you know yes there's a covenant that was that is that is changed in the New Testament with Jesus Christ being the high priest but you know what God still feels the same way about people are breaking his law I also will do this unto you I will even a point over you terror Wow the very first thing he mentions from people disobeying disobedience commandments is I'm gonna make you real afraid terror is like I'm terrified God is instilling a shaking in a trembling in the hearts of the people that are just gonna ignore the word of the Lord and ignore his law he says I'm gonna appoint over you terror consumption and the burning ague thine that that shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart and you shall sow your seed in vain for your enemies shall eat it it doesn't matter how hard you work you're gonna sow and so and so but you're not even gonna get it it's gonna go to your enemies why it's gonna be in bondage and I will set my face against you and you shall be slain before your enemies they that hate you shall reign over you and you shall flee when none pursue with you you're gonna be so afraid he's saying one I'm gonna have you in bondage your enemies are just gonna be able to defeat you and destroy you because you're not keeping my commandments they that hate you they're gonna reign over you they're gonna be in power they're gonna be the ones that are that are telling you what to do you're gonna be so afraid you're gonna flee when no one's even pursuing you these are judgments of God by being disobedient to his commands let's keep reading verse 18 and if you will not yet for all this hearken unto me then I will punish you seven times more for your sins it's the same theme it's the same theme you find throughout in other places of Scripture saying hey I'm gonna judge you and why is he saying well if you don't listen to me I'm gonna punish you even more because the whole point of the judgment is for them to turn back to him that's why he said if you just listen to me this can stop but he says you know what if I do all this to you and you still are just gonna be stiff neck you're still not gonna turn to me then I'm gonna punish you seven times more for your sins verse 19 and I will break the pride of your power and I will make your heaven as iron and your earth as brass he's gonna make everything difficult for you you know the pride of your power people think that oh man I'm so I've got so much power I'm lifted up you said I'm gonna break that I'm gonna bring you down and everything you do is gonna be extremely difficult heaven beings iron earth is brass and your strength shall be spent in vain for your land shall not yield or increase because God can cause the land not to not to produce neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits people want to marvel today at how smart and educated we are and how far advanced we've become and we have all this machinery and modern technology and we can manipulate so many things right and and this pride of life that exists in a common society saying oh man people back and you know a thousand years ago they were so ignorant and so dumb and they didn't know but we're so smart and we have these smart phones and we have all this technology I could do all these things and we don't have to worry about anything because if we want something now we've already built the equipment and machinery we could take care of ourselves don't think that God can't bring judgment and it happens really easily no matter how many gadgets and electronic gizmos you have if the food if the ground isn't yielding food to eat it's not gonna matter how many electronic and machine gizmos you have you're not gonna be able to eat and guess what God controls that God controls the rain God controls whether or not plants are gonna grow okay get right with God and don't get so lifted up in yourself that you think nothing can hurt us nothing can damage us no one's gonna come against us we're great God's blessed you know what God has blessed our country he has there's no doubt about that but you know what judgments coming and I'm saying judgments here