(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But find the joy in the holiday itself for the reason why we're celebrating it Look to Jesus look to the Savior Look at the joy that we can have in knowing that a Savior was born, you know thousands of years ago To die for the whole world to die for sinners to die for your loved one It's a great time of joy and rejoicing let's remember that Don't allow yourself to get caught up in some other emotions and other and other things. Let's let's remember the rejoicing part How about number two grace? It's a time of great grace turn if you would to John chapter 1 Talk about the meaning of Christmas tonight, of course Primarily the meaning of Christmas that a Savior is born and we ought to rejoice over that that ought to make us happy I'll bring us joy number two The meaning part one means of Christmas is that there's grace involved The grace of God bringing the Savior into the world Grace is something that you get is there it's given that you don't deserve the human race didn't deserve The Son of God to come and physically arrive and walk on this earth We didn't deserve that level of fellowship. We didn't deserve that level of sacrifice that was made We didn't deserve any of that but through God's grace and his love He did that for us He came to this earth. He came bodily Into this earth in this world to live among us to to experience what it's like to be a man with us to be tempted to have sorrow and grief and And to feel pain and to feel the things that we feel and and he did it only through his grace John chapter 1 of course in verse number 1 the Bible reads You know in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God so our Savior Jesus Christ the Word Is God we believe in the deity of Jesus Christ that is God Look at verse number 14 whereby we know that this is talking the Word is talking about Jesus Christ because the Bible says in the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and We beheld his glory the glory is of the only begotten of the Father Full of grace and truth And Of course, I'm not going to spend the time to prove the only begotten of the Father is referring to Jesus Christ That should be self-evident for anyone who's read the Bible one time for the New Testament one time but look what says they're at the very end of that verse full of grace and truth Jesus Christ is full of grace and Grace was brought into this earth on On the day that we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ Look at verse number 15 about says John bear witness of them and cried saying this was he of whom I spake He that cometh after me is preferred before me for he was before me and of his fullness Have all we received and grace for grace for the law was given by Moses But grace and truth came by Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is the the giver of grace. He brought in grace for us Before he came what did we have the law? But thank God that at the birth of Christ we have Christ bringing grace into us