(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) but if it be a shame for a woman be shorn or shaven let her be covered for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of God but the woman is the glory of the man for the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man neither was the man created for the woman but the woman for the man for this cause ought the woman have power on her head because of the angels nevertheless neither is the man without the woman neither woman without the man in the Lord for as the woman is of the man even so is a man also by the woman but all things of God verse number 13 we start getting more clarity on the covering judging yourselves is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him but if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering her hair is given her for a covering we just read about your head being covered your head being uncovered she's talking about your hair and and it boggles my mind i mean that's just how blind people are that are not saved that you have groups of people that actually think that no no no this is talking about a hat i mean women have to be wearing bonnets when they when they come in the church and you know otherwise they're dishonoring and and you know men can't wear any hats that's not what they're talking about at all it just said her hair is given her for her covering that's that's what she has and if she have long hair it's a glory that's a good thing but if men have long hair it's a shame even nature tells you that even little children look i knew this as a child growing up when you can see a guy that you don't know as a guy walking down the street and you think it's a woman you say excuse me ma'am and they turn around they got a beard you're like whoa uh yeah okay you know that's a shame it's a shame to be referenced you know as something you're not there's nothing wrong with women but if you're a guy there's something wrong with someone calling you a woman right and vice versa you know it's shameful for a woman to be to be mistaken for a man just as much as it's shameful for a man to be mistaken as a woman