(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) basics and want to start off with first of all just talking about your own time like what else do you really have to do with your time if you think about things in a grand scheme in a grand scale we only have so many days so many hours so many years to live on this earth before we die before our our physical body is gonna pass away and we go into eternity we have eternal life but there's only so much that we can fill our time with here and it's easy to get distracted with all the cares of this world but I want you to seriously think about how important are the things that you do can you take even one day out of that schedule now that life just to give back just to say thanks just to show God hey God I'm gonna do something for you today I'm gonna do something for someone other than myself I'm gonna help people in a way that you cannot do you cannot help someone any better than pointing them to eternal life you could lose everything in this whole world but if your soul is saved and praise God I want you all to think about a time before you were saved before you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ what however old you were it doesn't matter think about time before you're safe think about a moment in your life before you ever even heard the gospel what if you would have died didn't even hear the gospel well we know what if there's no what if what if you would have gone to hell Jesus Christ said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me there is no oh I wasn't that bad that's what I used to think well I'm really not that bad I'm not gonna go to hell well you know what I wasn't trusting in Jesus so yeah I would have because he is the way the truth and the life there is no other way I was as neither as their salvation any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved we need the name of Jesus Christ we need to preach the name of Jesus Christ in order for you to be saved you need to put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and what a shame it would be if people weren't out there preaching the word I said I know I'm thankful for the people that have been involved in my life and I don't even know who all of them were I didn't have a soul winner knock on my door and give me a nice presentation of the gospel that would have been great but I know for a fact I heard along the way because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God there's no way I could have I could have gotten saved otherwise I thank God that he wants us to be saved and doesn't just leave us without a light even though we're sinners against him I was in that God's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance here in 1st Corinthians chapter number 3 I thank God that he's given us ministers ministers in order for us to believe in this is where I start showing you that God has given us this work to do just as you have had people appointed unto you to preach the gospel to you God wants to use you as a minister to be appointed for someone else to get saved