(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This goes to show a little bit of the the mercylessness, the implacability of wicked people that are willing to just hurt people and persecute and fight even though they haven't been done wrong at all. And what we see here starting off in Psalm 35 of course we just see hey they're setting traps and doing this. I didn't do anything against them. Psalm 69 verse 4 says they that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of mine head. And this is giving more, you know obviously it's a different Psalm, but he's now talking about people again that are hating him without cause which when you live the Christian life you're gonna have people that hate you without cause. Now there is a cause because they hate God. There's a cause because they hate righteousness. There's a cause but it's not a legitimate cause. Hating someone for obeying God is not legitimate. There's nothing legitimate about that at all. So without cause, and he's saying in Psalm 69 and 4, they didn't hate me without cause, they're more than the hairs of my head. So they're just in new role and they're all over the place. There's so many more of them against me. They that would destroy me being my enemies wrongfully are mighty. And then in Psalm 69 and 4 says, then I restored that which I took not away. It got to the point where I'm giving things back to them that I never even took from them. Like I'm just trying to appease them and satisfy them because they're just coming after me. There's so many of them and they're lying about me and they're saying I've done them wrong and stuff so he's just like okay fine here just just take it whatever you know I didn't do anything wrong to you but I'm restoring that I didn't even take anything away from you. And this is a way of trying to be a peacemaker and trying to just get through without having to have these physical fights and confrontations like this and to make things work but you know what the enemy is never going to be satisfied which is why we have to go to the Lord to protect us and defend us because our fight is not a physical one. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal the Bible says but they're spiritual. That we're in a spiritual battle we have to put on the the armor you know the full armor of God and all of the armor of God is is spiritual defense it's it's gearing yourself up and getting ready to stand against the fiery darts of the devil and having done all to stand to just be able to get through it. We don't need to go in and and demolish you know go out looking for fights and you know the Pentecostals hoop and holler and they're shouting at the devil and doing all this other stuff look we just need to be able to stand and get through we're gonna stand up for the Lord we're not gonna back down we're not gonna compromise we're gonna go out and try to reach the lost and reach people but our we're not gonna go off like I don't I don't spend all my time trying to get in fights even with reprobates because I'm trying to reach the lost but you know I'll pray to God say God you know do you take care of them take care of these wicked people that are trying to stop us from doing good we're not gonna go and get involved in you know some fleshly fight or whatever against them we're gonna fight against the spiritual wickedness in high places but ultimately we want God to help clear our path so that we can just do the good that he has for us to do and let him deal with judging those that need the judgment because he will