(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you need to be operating as a team and one of the things that's going to hurt your marriage in turn if you would please Ephesians chapter 5 I told you we're gonna get there that goes along with with treating your marriages as as a team as being one flesh is being one person obviously we know in every marriage there are problems there are fights there's disagreements that's normal okay how you deal with those issues though is extremely important and when you can keep in mind you know what yeah I'm getting irritated I mean aggravated yeah they're doing things they shouldn't be doing and I'm doing you know one thing you don't want to do and one thing that will come back to bite you don't go around telling other people about the problems that you're having with your spouse in your marriage because what you're doing and it's thinking about this if you're one if you're one you're one flesh you're just talking bad about yourself it's gonna come right back around again you say no but I'm talking about him yeah but you're one you're supposed to be on the same team you're not you don't need to be going out trying to recruit people to your side because you shouldn't have a side it should be one side one person this is the mindset this is the way you need to be thinking they have a successful marriage you say yeah but they're wrong oh that that may be true but you don't need to go around getting anyone else involved to tell you you're right because oftentimes what happens is then you know people go to people who are either friends with them or maybe family and I've seen this happen too many times because usually it's family that gets involved and it's the you know whether it's a husband or the wife they go and talk to their mom and their dad and their brother right and of course they're gonna you know they love that person so they're gonna you know be talking to them and oftentimes they give really bad advice and they're gonna be telling you oh man yeah you know maybe you made a mistake or maybe you know and just just talking all kinds of things in your ear or just telling you to do things that are just not right if they're not telling you well no you married that person you know you need to work on it and get it right they're giving you bad advice no good comes out of you know talking bad about your spouse to anyone else and don't play it off like whoa I just want to get some advice on what to do look the Bible tells you what you need to do it's very clear it's very simple you don't have a choice of divorcing and the Bible gives one one instance except it be for fornication is the only instance that a divorce is acceptable in the sight of God it's not endorsed it's acceptable it's allowable under the law of God and guess what fornication happens before you consummate a marriage it's not adultery it's fornication and once you consummate that marriage you're sealing the deal it's done so if that's already happened if you're gonna do what's right and if you want to know what's right what's right is you're gonna stay together one of the keys to having a good marriage and making sure you're not going to be in a house divided is by making sure you are in your biblical role within the house and again this is important for the husbands as well as for the wives however the bigger problem in our society has more to do with the wives although there is still major problems with husbands as well these days not loving a wife as they ought to but the women have been taught and have been brainwashed for decades now in our country in Western culture that you know I am woman hear me roar and I'm strong and I can do everything a man can do and I'm gonna go off and I'm gonna put on my pants and I'm gonna go work out in the field I'm gonna do all these things and be like a man and that's wicked okay that isn't it Satan's attack on God's creation of male and female because he made men and women different he didn't make them to be the same at all if he did he would have just made man and man but that's not what he made he made man and woman and the woman came from the man but they're different and they're designed different and they're built different and anybody with two brain cells put together can see that a man and a woman are not the same and they're not built for the same things and they have different functions and one is not better than the other they both hold equal value in the eyes of God they're both children of God God loves a woman just as much as a man but when it comes to what you're supposed to be doing God the boss the ultimate boss has decided what do I want a woman to do and what do I may want a man to do and he's already made up his mind on that and we have it found right here and we're gonna read what that is from Ephesians chapter 5 so you could have the world telling you something completely different but I don't care what the world has to say I care what God has to say and if you follow what God has to say the world is gonna make fun of you okay you can expect that but I don't care if the world makes fun of me I care about what God thinks I care about what God said I want to do things right and if I could follow what the Bible says if I could do things the right way hey that's gonna ensure that I have a good marriage because God's the one that made us God's the one that instituted marriage God's the one that that designed all of it so why wouldn't I listen to God on how we should play it out on what the roles are