(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Verse 8, and I saw when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away and given her a bill of divorce yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not but went and played the harlot also. Now when God says here I put her away and given her a bill of divorce does anyone just think like well I guess God's just okay with divorce then right like this is God's stamp of approval on divorce but you know what I've heard people try to use this as an excuse to be like well I mean God divorced the children of Israel so I mean it must not be that bad you know where the Bible that literally says in Malachi that God hateth putting away God hates divorce you know that's why when when the when people are asking Jesus you know he said well from the beginning it was not so God made them male and female right and for this cause shall man leave father mother and cleave unto his wife and they twain shall be one flesh and he's saying like you know for the hardness of your hearts because you have a problem with it God allowed for there to be this situation where people can be divorced but from the beginning that's not how God made it and that's not what God would want either God doesn't want people getting divorced he just made it an allowance because of man's heart because a man's wicked heart not being able to handle it and overcome it he's saying I he made that allowance but that is not what God wants so so we see here God did God want his people just completely backsliding and going away from him and coming spiritual of course he didn't and also just understand he's talking about the nation he's not putting away a nation this is figurative language giving them a bill of divorce what do you think there's actually some contract written up with God's signature on the bottom that he handed to the nation to whoever the king was at the time like and of course not he's explaining what's happening with his relationship with the nation you saying look I divorced them I put them away from me right and and ultimately had them taken captive so that they were removed out of God's protection out of his land out of you know out of his space okay you go over there now that's the divorcement this is this is so far from any type of an endorsing of divorce and people say well if God could do it then I can do you know like are you married to a nation our is there a nation that's supposed to be worshiping you that isn't worshiping you are you God now no it's a different situation this is not a justification for divorce in fact turn if you go to Matthew chapter 5 you know I haven't thought about this taught on this subject in quite a while and it needs to come up from time to time and and sometimes I think I'm I ought to be doing a better job with with some of these bigger doctrines because this is a very important issue just an insight into my life you know so I feel like sometimes I preached on things enough where I but it could be like many many years ago and in my mind I'm just like well I've already taught about that but then there's a whole bunch of people that haven't heard this stuff and that's the problem I face as a preacher to make sure that I'm preaching everything that needs to be taught because this is an important doctrine especially now more than ever with how many people are getting divorced and just understanding what the Bible actually says about it because there's also a bunch of apologists for divorce Christian apologists and in the form of pastors that are gonna tell you why it's okay to get divorced and why it's not that really big that big of a deal and oh look in the Bible there's all these reasons to get divorced everything no there's not no there's not and that's not what the Bible teaches Jesus himself tells us in Matthew chapter 5 verse 31 it has been said whosoever shall put away his wife let him give her a writing of divorcement look that is true there is there is that aspect of the law but what does Jesus say but now I'm coming to you and telling you yeah you know it's really not even that big of a deal it's not as bad as it was back then go ahead and just get divorced willy-nilly oh wait no but I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication causeth her to commit adultery and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery now what did we read in the law was she could go ahead and just and get remarried right but what's Jesus saying but I say unto you no like like whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery this is how he's seeing it this is this is this is even like like more restrictive so you think things are less restrictive in the New Testament uh-huh only in the aspects of the law that were fulfilled but but like this this moral law this this you know this idea of someone being divorced and remarried and stuff you say no and notice it's the cause of fornication I'm not gonna get too deep on this but fornication is what happens when people are not married and they have those relations because once you're married you have those relations is adultery and and there is a caveat in the law that was basically saying you know you because normally and in a godly society people are going to be pure going to the wedding altar there's gonna be purity there and it's gonna be expected and it's expected in the daughters of Israel and is expected in the sons of Israel that you would show up pure to your wedding day that's why a man leaves father and mother because he's under the authority of his father and mother and they're watching over him and making sure he's being raised right until he cleaves unto his wife and that wife is a daughter in someone else's house that's being raised and dad's got the responsibility of making sure that he's keeping his daughter pure until a day that she gets married and then those two pure people are showing up to get married but then if one of them finds out after they got married like whoa wait a minute what you're not pure what you're pregnant what you have this disease hold on a second that's not what I signed up for that was the situation that was allowable under the law for people to get a divorce but I also believe that that was prior to the consummation of that marriage as well and that once you finally come together and make that union hey what therefore God joined together let not man divide asunder and you know we need to get stronger on our ideas of marriage