(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The money that you spend and that you have is a reflection of the work that you've already done, right? It's a reflection of your of your time and your effort and your energy put forward. So What we're gonna see in the scripture here is that even though there's not some huge focus on your money and what you do It you know the Bible definitely talks a lot about helping other Saints and helping other churches and And people who are in need and especially being able to support missionaries and support men of God and doing the work that they're doing And the you know There's a lot of things I want to say and I want to get too far ahead of myself Let's just start here in Philippians chapter 4 jump down to verse number 14 I want to focus on this part of the passage first because there's there's so much to this You know where you put your money and where you invest It makes you more Into that it makes you you care a lot more about it right when when you're the the more you and it's not just money when you you know when you invest more time when you Invest just just more of yourself whether be through money whether it be through time, you know through your thoughts through You know through everything else the more invested you're gonna be in those things and you're gonna care a lot more About them and you know with the prayer challenge The more you you actually pray for other people the more you're gonna care about those people and be thinking about those people and then Want to know hey, what's going on with these people? I've been praying for them as opposed to just You see it once and then you don't think about it ever again, right? Well, it's similar with what you do with your finances with your resources. How am I gonna spend this now? Obviously everyone needs to spend some on on You know yourself on your family Supplying your needs, you know, we're getting food and clothing and and that type of thing But also, you know, maybe hopefully you have other money to give as well now Everyone's in different situations financially and the Bible talks about that as well We're gonna see the scripture that talk about you know, those that can or cannot Give or supply right now everyone and I'm just gonna I don't have anything on tithing in here at all But just so you know, we stand as a church. I 100% completely believe and Can prove that that tithing is biblical even in the New Testament That we are under the order of even though we're not under the Levitical order We're under the order of Melchizedek and Melchizedek received tithes of Abraham and he received tithes of Levi Being yet in the loins of his father and you know, the Bible teaches that over and over again He received tithes the tithe belongs to the Lord Anyways, how the money was spent for the tithe was to support the Levitical priesthood We don't have Levitical priesthood, but you know what? We still do have men of God We still do people have people dedicating their lives to serving the Lord now They were offering sacrifices and serving the Lord in that manner But they also taught the people as well the priests and Levites So you have people that have a very very very similar job function as the Levites did right and they were supported You know through that tithe well that hasn't changed Okay, and I'm not going to preach we preach or preach that sermon right now, but That is something that is not Optional because it's God's money. Okay. That's something that God demands or expects of you but what I'm preaching about this morning while focusing on is more would be more of a considered in the Old Testament a free will offering or You know just any type of love offering to help other people out and that and that's the scriptures will be focusing in on And and here's the thing and just keep this in mind as we go through these passages because some people will misuse Many of these passages and start applying them to the tithe when the ones that we're going to be looking at this morning It's not talking about the time Because people will say oh, you know, you don't have to give because God loves a cheerful giver We're gonna look at that passage as well and to say see you don't have to feel compelled or anything like that And they want to apply that to the tithe one. That's not what it's talking about Okay, so I'm not gonna cover all those points because I really don't want to focus on the tithe at all any more than I Just did right now. It's important for the groundwork, but going forward I'm not but as we go through this make note of the passages and look them up later If you if you still have questions or doubts about oh, well the Bible says this or that about the time Look it up for yourself all these passages. We look up and see is that really talking about the tithe or not? Okay, do your own study on it and you can make note of them get it the full context later and and check it out for yourself