(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Verse number 14 thus I was as a man that heareth not and in whose mouth are no reproofs He's not correct in the wicked anymore And that's also another thing that happens when you started getting sin and get involved in sin yourself It becomes a lot harder to be able to judge and and give reproofs when it's needed Because now it's like well, who am I? Look what I'm doing. Right now if you could live that example and be walking in the spirit then Great you can you can help people through reproofs because that's a point of a reproof by the way to is to help them Not to make yourself feel good about yourself because they're doing something bad. It's to help them Have charity do it for the right reason Verse 15 for in thee O Lord do I hope Thou wilt hear O Lord my God For I said hear me lest otherwise they should rejoice over me when my foot slip it they magnify themselves against me For I am ready to halt and my sorrow is continually before me in verse 18. This is the solution This is the answer to the sin problem for I will declare mine iniquity. I will be sorry for my sin The contrition the sorrow and the repentance that comes From your sin is when you're gonna start Being able to heal and recover from your sin and get out of the situation where everything is going wrong And you're being chastised and punished and God will then start to show mercy and be there for you But you have to have that attitude Don't let the chastisement of the Lord and the bad things that happen drive you away from God. Let them drive you to him and turn to him and Declare your iniquity just admit that you've done wrong and and there are so many people that this is a number one problem for them is being able to ever admit that they've done wrong and You know, unfortunately if you didn't learn that as a kid, it's just gonna be even harder when you're an adult The kids need to learn To just accept. Hey, I've done wrong and you know what if you can do kids that this is gonna go a long way for you If you could admit to your parents honestly not deceitfully Honestly own your mistakes. I've done wrong. I am sorry Your life will be a lot better at home Your punishments will be diminished The mercy will be increased when you can Admit and Apologize and say I'm sorry for what I did. You know what if you can have an attitude like that. That's humble That's not going to be stiff-necked. You're not going to be rebellious that will help you as you grow into adulthood and Maintain a humble attitude so that way, you know Maybe you get on job or anywhere else in life to be able to just still admit that you've done wrong It's gonna help you Because when you can't do that, it kind of makes people angry the same way It makes a father angry when the child is not willing to admit like look I caught you This is what you did. You know, it's not right and it's wrong and they still just don't want to accept it Oh, there's always an excuse right? No one wants to hear that No one wants to hear that from their kids and no one wants to hear that from anyone else when they've done wrong Just own it Don't lie Don't backpedal don't give me all the excuses apostle Paul wasn't given excuses for a sin David's not given excuses for a sin He's saying you know what? I'm gonna declare mine iniquity. There it is. God. I'm sorry. I did it. I'm guilty And I'm gonna be sorry for my sin The Bible says he that covereth his sins shall not prosper But who so confess it and forsake at them shall have mercy I Don't try to cover up what you've done wrong just confess it to God to God I did this I can't hide it I'm sorry Not gonna do it again forsake it