(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I want to extend the grace just just because I know that I'm not perfect either but it's still important to learn from them Right. I mean the the mistakes or failures in there for a reason so that we can learn from other people's mistakes we can learn when people do wrong so that we don't have to face the same thing and One of the things that's really interesting about Peter though and Peter is a really interesting character in the scripture in general anyways He's real Driven and and and one of the top, you know disciples I think we hear about him the most or close to the most in the Gospels and He has a lot of zeal right? He's the one that stepped out of the boat when when Jesus, you know called unto him He's a hey Lord if it's really you bid me to come unto thee under the water right Jesus walking on water and He had the faith and the courage to just step out in faith from the boat and walk on that water, too I mean, it's amazing. No one else did that right? That was Peter Peter has a lot of great qualities and things And a lot to learn from but he also has his own flaws as well But one of the things here that we're gonna see obviously just after this transpires now Jesus is gonna tell him What's gonna happen at the end of his life and look at verse number 18? It says verily verily I say unto thee when thou wast young thou girdest thyself in walkest whither thou wouldest He says basically, you know when you're young you're able to do what you want it You gird yourself up and you'd go anywhere you want to go But when thou shalt be old thou shalt stretch forth thy hands and another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldest not So they're saying, you know something's gonna happen to you They're gonna stretch stretch forth your arms and you're gonna be brought to a place where you don't want to go Right and that and he said and it's the Bible says here verse 19 this make he's signifying by what death He should glorify God. So he's giving him this prophecy of what's gonna happen to Peter in the future and You know Peter hears this and that says Excuse me, let's keep reading verse number 19 He says this make he signifying by what they sure glorify God and we had spoken this he saith unto him follow me Then Peter turning about Seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following which also leaned on his breast at supper and said Lord Which is he that betrayeth thee Peter seeing him saith to Jesus Lord and what shall this man do Jesus saith unto him if I if I will that he tarry till I come what is that to thee? Follow thou me and the time my sermon this morning is follow thou me Okay, and I know I kind of went into a lot of backstory there with Peter But you know, it's all just laying the groundwork for what I want to get into Jesus tells Peter, you know here's basically the death that you're gonna have to suffer for me and he just tells them follow me and Peter sees John and he's going Okay. Well, what's that guy gonna do? He starts worrying about what other someone else's ministry is going to be What's their life going to be like? What are they gonna do? And Jesus basically says, you know what don't worry about that You've got enough to worry about Just by you following me Don't worry about what other people are gonna do with their life and how they're gonna serve me and everything else that they're gonna end up doing he says just follow me and What do you what Jesus ends up saying then is that you know, if I will that he tarry till I come What is that to these so basically saying if I want him just to be around? Until I come back until I return how does that affect you at all? That's none of your business. It doesn't matter. I'm going to choose different people to glorify me in different ways You know, there's different disciples There's different followers of Jesus Christ that some of them end up becoming martyrs Right, but not all of them We see, you know, Stephen was a martyr right way back in the book in Acts chapter 7 we see that happening but you know what not every single disciple is going to go down that route and We have a path to walk. We have a ministry. We have a purpose we have a life to live of dedication and service unto the Lord and Different people are going to be on different paths as the Lord will and We don't need to get caught up and start worried about what other people are doing because we have our own walk We've got our own job. We've got our own priority We got we got our own You know life to live and our own concerns and our own cares when it comes to serving the Lord We don't need to get wrapped up in anyone else's business when it comes to their service to the Lord