(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Bible reads when Jesus then lifted up his eyes and saw a great company come unto him he saith unto Philip When shall we buy bread that these may eat now before I even go any further? I'm gonna you know, there's no coincidence why that that these events are all happening when they do So this first portion of John chapter 6 is a very famous passage of the feeding of the 5,000 or it's a miraculous event that Almost everybody who claims to be a Christian could will probably be familiar with it's a story That's preached on a lot and it's taught a lot that you know when Jesus fed the 5,000 That's one of the main miracles that that he did that that a lot of people remember if you ask Jesus You know hey, what kind of miracles to Jesus? Do you remember a miracle that Jesus did feeding the 5,000 is a pretty big one? You know a lot of people have heard of it But this is The way that this is in the story and then later on we see him claiming to be the bread of life Helps to give a more full understanding and meaning to what that whole Miracle even meant to begin with with him providing that food, so we're gonna dig into this We're gonna see this event play out and expound on a little bit the Bible says So first he's saying you know there's a lot of people there, and he says unto Philip. He said He says where you know when shall we buy bread that these may eat he asks Philip saying hey, there's all these people here Where are we gonna buy food so that everyone could eat with us right because they're out listening to him preach And they've kind of gone out into a desert place, and there's nowhere around That's just real close or local. It's not like they're near a marketplace. You're saying hey Where are we gonna go get food for all these people? Verse 6 says and this he said to prove him for he himself knew what he would do I mean he's asking this question It doesn't like he doesn't know the answer right, but he just wants to test Philip and just see what he's gonna Say and and kind of hear what his answer is gonna be Verse number seven Philip answered him 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little so obviously There's so many people here He's saying a lot of people to feed and he said we would you know 200 penny worth is not enough now You could say 200 pennies. It's like two bucks. Not a big deal Well until you figure that a penny in the Bible is about like a day's labor right. That's that's what people were Bartering with especially during the time of Jesus when he's making you know he's saying the story So you think about I mean days labor you save like maybe a hundred bucks So you know 20 grand to feed all the people that were there. That's a little bit more What you're talking about right when he says 200 penny worth, so that's that's quite a significant amount of money and So it says the verse number eight one of his disciples Andrew Simon Peter's brother saith unto him there is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves and two small fishes But what are they among so many yeah? We've got five loaves two fishes, but you know what's that going to do verse number ten says and Jesus said make the men sit Down now there was much grass in the place so the men sat down and number about five thousand And that's five thousand just men But they were there still with women and little ones so as the whole group was bigger But just for the accounting purposes it was five thousand men and Then it says in verse 11 and Jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks He distributed to the disciples and the disciples of them that were set down and likewise of the fishes as much as they would When they were filled he said unto his disciples gather up the fragments Excuse me that remain that nothing be lost Therefore they gathered them together and filled 12 baskets With the fragments of the five barley loaves which remained over and above unto them that had eaten Then those men when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did said this is of a truth that Prophet that should come into the world so a very significant event Jesus Physically is feeding these people here, but he's feeding them miraculously He blesses his food And it's like they're passing out this food, and they keep coming back, and he keeps on passing out more food and it's like man, where's all this food coming from and They had enough to fill Everybody that was there and even to have some left over so everybody was was completely Satisfied that was there as a result of that food that Jesus brought in and this was such a big deal in the people's eyes They were sitting there because look In a group of that many people. I mean that's a that's a big crowd There's gonna be some people closer than others just because there's so many people there But they're out in the wilderness, and you can see this from the other Gospels Even the people you know sitting farther back. They're gonna be like where are they getting all this food from? They didn't see him come in with it, and they didn't have some supply chain going back And they didn't have some big storehouse out there Everybody understood that this is a very significant miracle because they just keep on coming I mean just imagine that you if you're at some big you know I don't know how big some of these event centers hold But you're talking you know ten thousand people Right or more or probably more if we say every every man that was there had You know maybe a wife with them or someone else with them, and then you know a child or whatever I mean let's say let's say very conservative 10,000 people All being filled and with enough to spare and they just keep on making the rounds and then they go around the back Everyone knows that's a miracle like there's like where does this food come from it's amazing